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    Two questions 1. Exactly which ratios are best to use during vegging? 20-10-10 or what? 2. I imagine the ratios change during flowering for a higher P value but which would be ideal? I went into the gardening shop and ive no idea which exact one to get. Ive seen plenty of peoples opinions on...
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    starting my first outdoor grow and need some help

    How do you know if it is well rotted? Odor or...?
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    I need a fucking credit card

    I have no established credit and noone will approve me for a credit card >.< So... whats the best way to go about getting a quick credit score and/or whats a good card to apply for if anyone is knowledgeable on the topic?:joint:
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    HOW TO Grow Cannabis hydroponically VIDEO contest entry

    Good video, thank midgrade for the explanation coverage for EC. I myself was confused about that one. The only problems you ran into was over simplifying everything. I think the winner of this contest should have a video going a bit further in depth with their info. IT WAS STILL FUNNY THOUGH!!! :O
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    Stealth Closet Grow

    Im quite interested in the space you've chosen for this grow. Would it be possible to get a complete set of pics to tour this awesome little closet?
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    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Yeah, the link is down...too bad i was hoping to see this...
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    take multiple clones from the whole branch

    Shouldn't you redip the stem in water after shaving the stem then dip the clone in rooting hormone? The reason i ask i heard have heard that air pockets can form and block water uptake for the clone. Is this true?
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    paperclip training

    Id love to see a pic of a mature plant thats been LSTed if anyone has one to post...
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    All my weed is gone :(

    YouTube - All My Weed Is Gone=
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    big bust in north west england !!

    'ill eagle' lol, that poor bird... :D
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    Why Is This Site Always Down?

    I need my hourly rollitup fix though >.<
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    Why Is This Site Always Down?

    Is it just me or is this site unavailable around half the time you go to load it? Just wondering if its just me....
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    *sigh* Well fuck >.< So the flouros wont do no matter how i try eh? Fair enough. I just finished sexing the garden completely and am now left with 27 females O.O Im thinking about taking a few outside and introducing them to the daylight for a bit. Should be good in toughening up the plants for...
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    And have a nice day. :)
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    Lets try this again 'dicklessone' as you've been knighted: permalink but to answer you question you are gonna get shitty results...16 plants 3 feet tall under flouro tubes= a joke for yeild ... Im sorry but thats not an answer dipshit, im looking for info not attitude so go smoke a bowl and...
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    No shit, my question is for those who have done this from start to finish: How much would be a realistic yield for a plant grown completely on flouros?
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    And these flouros were like 1$ more expensive than the rest because there are 'plant flourescents' lol
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    Flourescents for the long haul?

    So the deal is... this little green thumb is broke so i cant afford an HPS or MH lighting system. I have 16 females at 3 feet and im wondering how shitty of a yeild i would get per plant or if the flouros will even be enough to do anything. A bit of background i have the 16 girls with 4 48 inch...
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    Online seed security

    Is it not illegal for Nirvana and others to send these seeds though? I mean i got mine perfectly fine packed in a piece of cardboard but dont they assume risking some type of legal retaliation? Seems a risky way to operate an international seedbank...but they're my favorite lil Vigilantes o.O
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    Flowerin Back 2 Veg

    I hope this doctorpsylus guy never posts again...