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  1. S

    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    I dont know if there's a pound there but what do I know this is my first grow lol. I think at this point I would be happy with 4-6 oz.
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    No input this week?
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    Okay one more week has passed and Ive got some updated photos. I still dont think its ready, but one thing I did notice is that the smell of it is changing almost smells less like bud. Its kind of odd.
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    So I think were good for a few more weeks. I moved our grow box to the extra bed room and is now being vented out the window.
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    Well this is no good. Well maybe some suggestions on getting rid of the smell. Its smelling up the whole house. We, re currently using a carbon filter ment to remove pet smells. Got it from homedepot but it doesnt seem to do much. We have tried ona (the polar crystal sent) as well but the...
  6. S

    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    So Im kind of running out of time here, the smell has become a big issue and this will probably be our only grow. What would be my down fall if I were to cut her down Sunday? Would I miss out on a lot if I did?
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    Okay its been about a week. How about some good news this time lol.
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    Sorry guys it been a crazy week. Unfortunately I dont have a scope at this point and trying to get by with out one at this point. So its been one more weeks so I figured I would post updated pictures. Tell me what you think.
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    First Grow: How Much Longer do I Have?

    This is my first grow so Im looking for some advice on when to harvest. Ive been flowering sense May 22nd and the seeds I have recommend 8-10 weeks. What do you guys think how much longer do you think I should wait?
  10. S

    Help!! Root Rot: dwc hydro

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I honestly dont know my res temp, the room never gets above 70-75 and lately its been a bit cooler. I got some aquashield today but it may or may not be expired.
  11. S

    Aquashield Expiration date?

    So I just purchased and received a bottle of aquashield but looking at the label it says it expires 1 year from the date of shipment. Where is this date? All I see that could possible be considered a date is "L1203" which is located on the right side of the rear label. Can anyone verify that...
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    Help!! Root Rot: dwc hydro

    So Im new obviously and having issues. Ive dealt with root rot in the past and it inevitably won. At this point I feel kind of helpless and on the verge of giving up. Here's what Ive done to keep root rot at bay: -Changing water twice a week -Clean dwc bucket with bleach -air Hose and air...
  13. S

    RO vs Tap water and how do you I know how many ppm my plant ate?

    So yes I'm a newbie and running into questions as I go in my hydro system. Ive been reading all afternoon on why you should use RO or why you should use plan old tap water. In my current setup Im using tap water thats running about 190-200ppm so not bad. Im finding that my ppm is rising. With...
  14. S

    Brain's Choice CFL Hydro Cabinet Grow

    Day 14 Shes looking pretty good. Got some new growth coming along. I've noticed that the water level drops about a 1/2in every day, I have a hard time believing my plant is drinking that much and assume that lots of it is due to evaporation. I got a new remote thermometer/humidity its been...
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    Little help please!! 12days in and leaves are yellowing

    Well a removed it and here's my results after two days in nutes.
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    Little help please!! 12days in and leaves are yellowing

    Its what come on it. Im not sure what the purpose is. Maybe to keep moisture in so it doesnt dry so quickly, not sure. But your probably right it should be removed.
  17. S

    Little help please!! 12days in and leaves are yellowing

    Here's some pictures from this morning (day 13) (day 1 in DWC) I dont think the res water is reaching the rockwool and my roots are tiny so I spooned some res water to feed her.
  18. S

    Brain's Choice CFL Hydro Cabinet Grow

    Here's some pictures from this morning (day 13) (day 1 in DWC) I dont think the res water is reaching the rockwool and my roots are tiny so I spooned some res water to feed her.