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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    thanks thats another one but it looks the same...that one didn'y have torn roots
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    krips and russian diesel 1.2kw 1msq tent

    the girls look lovely ripz mine are starting to release some pheremones and smell just like the stuff i got the seeds from..maybe even better thanks for the newb help I owe ya m8
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    first time closet grow with flouro's

    it's alright to keep it how it is but as i've read the yellowish lights are better for flower while the white/blue are better for veg....
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    Veg too long?

    plenty of vert space but yes they were stretched but I burried them all to the first set of leaves...and the lights are only about an inch away(CFL's)
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    Veg too long?

    there lookin good now startin to smell like the stuff they came from...hairs are starting also.
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    Aerogarden Pro Germination Goes WRONG!

    oh and BTW I love ur sig thats freckin sweet
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    Aerogarden Pro Germination Goes WRONG!

    I'm sure you could do something with it but as a newcomer like me you might want to get some practice under your belt I do the traditional method as you said...soil works fine for me
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    Aerogarden Pro Germination Goes WRONG!

    is germinating it in the AG even the right thing to do?
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    so far so least thats the last move until the finale
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    This is the plant who's roots were torn this pic was takin about 5-6 hours after
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    I figured becuz as the FAQ's says the leaves control the roots and the roots the leaves and if you cut a leaf it doesn't die so why would a root stop it
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    and what problem are we talking of...DEATH =(
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    yeah...I think it was the tap root
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    If you rip a plants roots...on accident will it recover or die

    Okay as most of you know I recently started growing an today I transferred one of the plants into a 12" pot,but I accidently ripped a few roots while doing this...will it live or die?
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    tired of buying me grow...first time...

    nice busa I want one someday it's a nice bike
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    Veg too long?

    is it possible to veg for too long I have a plant that was about a foot high before transfering to a new pot its about 4 weeks old and isn't growing to much more under a 6500k cfl I put it under a 2200k yellow cfl for flowering
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    Are there any good things about a stretched plant

    thanks for the help