tired of buying it...watch me grow...first time...


Well-Known Member
Hey. did you add any peralite to your soil when you transplanted? I say lack of oxygen to the roots. I put a good amount of soil in the bottom then layer it with peralite, set the root wad on top of the peralite you added.pour a little more soil around the wad. LIGHTLY pack it down and add more peralite. more soil ect.... looks really good though what kind of nutes? i prolly missed it 2 pages back,


Well-Known Member
thanks aethersaegis i will let you know if it gets worst or any changes......

Ballo it does look disgusting but it gets me through, thats why i want to grow my own, so i can have some kind of selection ya know, not just whatever that dealer has that week...and i hate dealing with the dealers, i cant wait until the day comes and i dont have give my money to someone, instead i can use that money to perfect this art of growing...

sugarydave keep checking out this journal cause i still have a long time to go i cant wait to post pictures of my plants budding...

and to anyone following i will give rep points for comments made to my journal.....
Now instead of waiting for some asshole who has the weed, most likely on tweeker time. your plants are not going to grow fast enough:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey. did you add any peralite to your soil when you transplanted? I say lack of oxygen to the roots. I put a good amount of soil in the bottom then layer it with peralite, set the root wad on top of the peralite you added.pour a little more soil around the wad. LIGHTLY pack it down and add more peralite. more soil ect.... looks really good though what kind of nutes? i prolly missed it 2 pages back,
i used peatmoss and some potting soil some off brand kind...havent given it any nutes, the potting soil had fert in it already , i hear alot about foxfarm nutes so i will probably go with them....

wasted im not sure if your talking about the aerogarden or not but think that the lights was too close, so i moved them up and will see what happens...i havent added anything to the aerogarden except my own seeds and the nutes it came with...

here are some pictures i took of Lola today.. just now watered, im also starting them all back on 12/12, yea i know i cant wait no longer, getting that male the first time made me impatient...i will get more pictures of the aerogarden later im high, and she looks better than all of them anyway...



Well-Known Member
I use foxfarm ocean forest, with earth juice nutes, let her feed off the nutes like she did and flush the soil, then throw ur nutes in. could rootbound atm. thats what I did with this one. the mother plant. I neglected her at the end. I dont know bout ur lights that much. I use T5 HO for veg 1,000 HPS for flower. whith those dinky things I want to say ur fine but get some gooder ones. in the future. That plant is bushy and needs lots of light. Yours is really healthy right now. but the leaves.....not sure why they curl down like that. maybe its the strain. IDK



Junior Creatologist
Wuddup dude, your big girl is lookin fuckin nice n lush. One thing though, do you think your overwatering her a little bit?? the leaves and branches are all drooping a little bit, and they have been since she was just a kid. How often are you watering, and when you water, are you feeding her anything in particular?? sorry if youve already answered this question, but i must have missed it. N it sucks that your just growing whatever somebody has layin around to hand over to ya man -- when your done with this grow and you harvest, n your ready to do somethin different, message me (if you live in the states). Just keep these pics comin, i wanna see this bitch finished :D

+rep for your progress man. Not bad at all for a first grow brother :)

*edit* i just went back a page n seen that your going with no nutes. Thats awesome lookin plant for no artificial assistance goin on brother. N just a sidenote, if you can get it together, you should hook up some more lighting if your going into flowering for sure. The more light your calyxes n female bits can soak up, the better. I bet your pretty impressed knowing that your gonna come away from this grow with more than the 5 grams you were gonna be happy with at first eh?? lol. N those purple stems are lookin pretty cool, maybe youll end up with a purp phenotype with this one man, you never know. I got a biddie right now with nothin but purple stems towards the top of the plant, n they just turned purp too (im one week into flower right now). Good luck with everything man. Keep up a correspondance with me :)


Well-Known Member
thanks king i checked out your grow and its sick man, in a good way of course...also i think it was due to overwatering cause the dirt i used does not drain well at all...so im watering once a week....once i get my money right im gonna go big...but right now im liveing off my savings and trying to find a job..job market is so horrible man im really fighting myself not to start hustleing...but when its time i will hook up with you on the next grow, im just trying to test the waters for now...

Update on the plants...11th day of 12/12
Lolas looking lush and bushy as always, and she is getting taller everyday...still has some of that droopyness going...i really wish i didnt use that soil but im gonna try and ride it out...

the aerogarden plants, one turned out to be a male so i took him out of the aerogarden....

Im still waiting for the other two to show sex im hopeing that since they both havent, then that means they might be female....im keeping my fingers crossed...

i will have pictures up later today when i get home tonight...i have to run a few errands today, and return my camera cause its broken, but i still have the reciept and the lady at bestbuy said i could do a even exchange...

i also have this tub/can type of thing i will take pictures of it later also...i was thinking of like turning it into a veg chamber or even like a aeroponics type of thing i dont know....i will take some pictures of that also tonight....and hope to hear some suggestions from everyone on what i should do with this thing...

So check back later for the pics...there will be alot of them tonight..HOLLA AT YOUR BOY....Im out..


Well-Known Member
update with pictures...

the tub/can thing i was thinking of useing it as a vegchamber or like convert it to a aeroponics garden...its usally used to hold ice and sodas, dont ask where i got it from...but it also drains water through that lil drain hole part...no seeds are in the pots yet, i set them in there to see how it would look...

several pictures of lola my biggest female...

then we have the aerogarden pictures they are getting big, the one in the middle looks like its showing signs of sex, im just not sure what it is, looks female to me....
the smaller one in the ag hasnt showed any signs of sex yet...

Here are the pics tell me what you see in the close up shots of the plant in the ag...im hopeing its a female...



Well-Known Member
dont feel bad i dont know what strain this is.....lol...just some bagseed...but when i do buy some seeds they will be sativa dominate strains