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    decisions decisions..

    damn nirvana shop doesn't have white queen or super silver haze!!! has anybody had ak-48?
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    ok im still pretty sure its a female. thanks for all the help guys!
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    ok im pretty sure its a female at 3-4 days into flowering is this possible or could i be mistaking it for something else, because i know that females normally mature later..
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    thanks man! that helped alot!
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    ok kinda stupid question... ummm where do i look to identify sex? i know it doesn't show for a week or two but id like to know where i should be looking. all help is appreciated.
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    decisions decisions..

    im growing indoors and i want two strains, but im not sure which ones. first of all im looking for them both to be very potent somewhat easy to grow and clone and good yield. i definitly want one of them to be as much of a sativa high as possible but without the sativa plant. for the other more...
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    Calling Arizona outdoor growers

    az suckkkkkkkssss!!!! but couldn't you just start them a little later in the year so you dont have to worry about temps? i think there is still a fair amount of light, i dont know im probably wrong but just throwin it out there.
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    should i put my plant outside to flower?

    4 more? its not very big... maybe a little over a foot.
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    should i put my plant outside to flower?

    i started flowering today but i heard you need to add more light during flowering or your yield will suffer. is this true? if not will i need more lights anyway? it seems like there is barely enough light as it is.
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    should i put my plant outside to flower?

    thanks very helpful.
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    should i put my plant outside to flower?

    because i only have two t8 fluorescent tubes and 2 23 watt cfls will this be enough????? also say i lived in the us could i order from nirvana shop with out being arrested or something?
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    11 leaf set

    im not using incandescent light just 2 t8 fluorescent tubes and 2 23 watt cfls
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    11 leaf set

    hahahahahahahahahaha funny.
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    11 leaf set

    yeah none of this stuff is permanent its all just been thrown together to i plan on making it better in every way i can once i have the supplies.
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    11 leaf set

    also wondering when i should flower here is a pic in my lame make shift grow area. she is probably about 8 and a half inches tall and i know you can force flowering but i heard something like if you flower before its mature enough your buds will have little or no potency. any help is appreciated.
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    11 leaf set

    well i was using two 23 watt clf 1700 lumens each then just yesterday i add a 2' 2" fluorescent fixture with two bulbs and it seems to be doin the trick haha
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    11 leaf set

    my plant has a leaf with eleven leaves on it.. is that good or bad or normal?
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    hows she lookin?

    actually its not a month maybe pushing two and a half or three weeks... including germination but yeah i want to put it in something a bit bigger but don't want to shock it. no i don't know if its a female yet(though i'd like to think so) i'm going to try this thing that i read that is supposed...
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    hows she lookin?

    i think i've been growing this for like 3 weeks or a month. how does she look?
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    are these going to get to big?

    so if i leave they will die?