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  1. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Yeah had some problems with n tox a weeks or so back and misidentified the problem thought it was ph related
  2. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    For those of u who obviously missed the link in first post I'll paste it below and again never claimed to be the best plant ull ever see but overall growth has improved from 24 hr day grow of same strain I completed twice before this go around...
  3. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Never said she was amazing just said outgrew others grown exact same but with reg 24 hr days An the link is in first post t the bottom Not sure if uve missed my point in this or if smart ass is just natural to u but all I was tryin to do is show what I've came up with tryin out 18 hr days not...
  4. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    I was referring to the overall health of the plant and fast growth I've seen quite a few threads full of those who say 6hrs of light is not enough for the plant to have maximum growth potential (and it may just be the strain) but I've grown the clones of the same plant with the normal 24 hr days...
  5. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    3rd generation bagseed grow...proof 18 hr days light cycle works just fine 14-4 veg 6-12 flower Anyone wanting details ask and you shall receive Any feedback on plant is also greatly appreciated...
  6. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind I uploaded pics to photobucket got tired of friggin with tryin to upload here so maybe this will help confirm diagnosis finally
  7. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind

    Still can't get pics uploaded ill select a file then seems to be doin something then it all goes away so maybe it's just not meant to be who knows gonna keep tryin I guess would still like to show off my sexy mama
  8. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind

    Well I decided to give her a good flushing (with the last cpl gal of ph water of course) Monday night so now just waiting a few days to see the results but I'm still kinda leaning toward it being caused by n tox like youngbuzz 101 said soon as I figure this place out a lil better and how to like...
  9. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind

    Just a scattered few have the claw not enough to rly even catch your attention unless u look for them Oh and about the mother no way to look it up correctly guess I should have mentioned it's just some old bagseed I had stashed nothing fancy The mother is outdoors now give her a bit of a jump...
  10. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind

    I was actually kinda leaning toward n toxicity myself but to be honest during the last 2 weeks of veg I started transitioning into the maxibloom by adding 1/4 tsp pg and cutting back in maxigro by 1/4 tsp pg and increased until I was using pure maxibloom I've noticed a very slight lightening...
  11. gd12dg

    Skinny leaves...Losing My Mind

    First post so bear with me To start off I've completed a handful of grows successfully with the occasionally ph swing but nothing major This time around I've decided to do some experimenting with the 18 hr days light cycle. To my suprise all the claims I've seen of this light cycle speeding up...