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  1. gd12dg

    can u take clones from plants grown hydroponically

    cloning from a hydro plant or a soil plant or whatever medium u use makes no difference as long as you follow basic guidelines to cloning cut with sterilized blade(never scissors) at an angle and soak bottom of stem immediately in water for a min or so to prevent air pockets in stem remove from...
  2. gd12dg

    WTF is this guy?

    Where it is on the plant seems to be gettin pretty good light so I'm gonna play this thing out and see what it does It is a clone of an outdoor bagseed plant and recently took cuttings for this one about 1-1 1/2 wks ago just took 4 cuttings can only use 2 an hate to throw out good clones ya know...
  3. gd12dg

    WTF is this guy?

    Haha better go clean up a lil after a suprise like that huh? I could only imagine the last thing u expect to see checkin out some sweet cheek and then u find some sketchy lil fucker staring right back at u haha Well here's a cpl more actually seems to be tryin to branch off or some shit
  4. gd12dg

    WTF is this guy?

    I see what your sayin but it's coming directly out of calyx but there's also 2 normal pistils coming out of the same 1 Wish I could get a better detailed pic but that's the best quality I could get
  5. gd12dg

    WTF is this guy?

    Haha crazy shit right?!
  6. gd12dg

    WTF is this guy?

    Hey guys just got a quick question as I ran across something rather odd today I found coming from a bud site what looks to be a long reddish brown pistil and let me make this clear this guy is like 2/12"-3" long and unlike normal pistols is hard as a rock almost like a stick or twig kinda At...
  7. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Yeah but I'm just one of those guys that like to see it first hand and wouldn't mind a lower power bill and quicker start to finish Sounds a lot like my grandfather always told me never be afraid to go against the norm cause you'll never truly know until you find out for yourself I'll keep...
  8. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    That was 1 of my concerns trying this method but was just wantin to give it a go for myself to see if it rly was that much faster start to finish and the claim for better yield prove to be true but so far from what I can tell unless these buds swell up like crazy I'm not seein much improvement...
  9. gd12dg

    Help Me im confused

    I've used the gh maxi series (dry nutes) quite successfully for the past 6 grows and from my experience they do very well using both but from what I've seen you rly only need the maxibloom do a lil research into maxibloom Lucas formula it gets pretty close to bein on the money at 7 grams/gal...
  10. gd12dg

    OH SHIT!! heres some conspiracy shit for reals!!!

    Couldn't have said it better myself crazy fucked up
  11. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    I'm gonna try to see this thing thru but if it does look too bad towards the end I can't say I won't be very tempted to up lights Appreciate all the advice guy
  12. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Don't mean to write a book every post but this lemon haze cuz brought me has made me an author past few days lol:bigjoint:
  13. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Clone and what you actually can't see in pics is the cfls r surrounding a 100w mh Awhile back before startin my experiment (before the first 2 under 24 hr days) I was using my 150hps+100mh but those lil fuckin hps jerk the juice for such lil output so I switched to cfl(which had used before...
  14. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    I completely understand what your saying not much good to experiment if you have no idea what the exact cause of each problem or improvement you come across was But to be honest with you I've noticed a lot more n problems with this grow than the other 2 like it and the only difference between...
  15. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Haha I know growing bagseed not much of overwhelming accomplishment but can't afford good seeds and even if I could have nowhere but my house to ship to and not that brave just yet...not rly hard to take criticism rly but don't exactly understand y it's such a big deal to give something new a...
  16. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    That's all I could find was a ge 24hr digital 7 day timer with 20 settings so what I have done is on the last day of week(Sunday for me) give 12 hr light 12 hr dark so it'll match up with the auto on time for monday I'm lookin through papers tryin to find how I did the last day of week during...
  17. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Thank you very much diabolical666 you are very appreciated
  18. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    I know this is way off topic and wrong thread but can't for the life of me figure out how to like posts on mobile site any idea? Anyone? Like I said still tryin to get a feel for this place lol
  19. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    Nailed that one dead on the head...I'm new to this guess it takes a little time to get use to actually gettin others opinions for once before this I was only 1 to ever see anything I've grown while growing
  20. gd12dg

    18 hr days

    T thanks for taking time to ask instead of barking out what I've done wrong or fucked up there's a lot of that around here I've been noticing Don't get me wrong all advice and input is appreciated but I don't post here to be made to look crazy for trying new things a little outside the norm I...