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  1. Land of the Free?

    How many watts till flagged in an apartment?

    Good point I recently had two seperate notices for 24 hours entry. 1st time was to check the AC and filter, the second time they wanted to replace lighting fixtures.I keep the extra bedroom locked however, and nobody asked for entry. Can they figure out where the electricty is coming from...
  2. Land of the Free?

    Call the cops on yourself

    Yeah I agree, but this was an entertaining analysis.:blsmoke:
  3. Land of the Free?

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    Alright man sounds like a good answer. I think I'll try to do a little bud like that sometime. bongsmilie Peace...cough, cough
  4. Land of the Free?

    I screwed up and exposed flowers to light during dark period.

    OK then I read about candles and Co2 but apparantly they weremistaken. I agree its too much trouble anyways. I will stop using the candles. Thanks for all input!!
  5. Land of the Free?

    Is candlelight enough to interrupt the dark period?

    WOW Nice Avatar 1st off Bazoomer LMFAO!! Yeah I've seen problems with candles before too. I had a girlfriend that loved burning them, and I warned her all the time not to sleep with em on. Well next thing I'm waking up with fire in my eyes, and jumping at the wall to slap it out. I put out a...
  6. Land of the Free?

    Is candlelight enough to interrupt the dark period?

    I accidently left the candles on when trying to make Co2 and forgot to blow them out before the dark cycle on 12/12. Has anyone heard any bad effects from doing this once? Did I really set her back, and stress her out bad?? I left the candles on for about 5 hours through the dark cycle. I am...
  7. Land of the Free?

    I screwed up and exposed flowers to light during dark period.

    Ok I will just leave them. I hope the flowering is not terribly offset, because this is my first Chronic grow and the buds are doing great so far. The biggest is 2" thick : ) yum!! Thanks for all suggestions and help.bongsmilie Now time to smoke one.
  8. Land of the Free?

    I screwed up and exposed flowers to light during dark period.

    Yeah Ive been on 12/12 for several weeks now. I went into the room with the lights off to get something, and remembered the candles. I opened the closet door a crack and sure enough the candles were still going. I blew them out right away! Its a huge closet so my temps are normal even with the...
  9. Land of the Free?

    I screwed up and exposed flowers to light during dark period.

    Hello, I have a problem. :cry: I was trying to give my plants Co2 by buring an oil lamp, and a couple of candles. The problem is that my dark cycle started about five hours ago, and I discovered that I forgot to turn out the candles. So, Is my Girl going to freak out? Should I restart...
  10. Land of the Free?

    Is this Nute burn, ph prob, or heat stress. pics

    Thanks Big Bud Balls LOL I will take your advise. Although since I gave the plants straight water for 3 days I will see how things go before doing a super nute flush. So far the leaves look better. I don't belive I'm using to much Nutes. I am using Tiger Bloom at the daily feeding level of 2-3...
  11. Land of the Free?

    GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

    Never heard of this method. I would be scared to submerge my sweetness in water. whatta bout mold, or quality? Is it really worth it? Ergh dunno
  12. Land of the Free?

    do i need to paper bag? jar?

    I believe it's moisture, but whatta I know, I'm a Noob. :bigjoint:
  13. Land of the Free?

    Anyone weirded out leaving a grow shop?

    I was scared at first, but after going in a few times I actually like going there. I have a card that permits me medicinal use however, what makes me scared is the Federal Govt. They are like the Old Fashioned Great Great Grandpa that will never die, and will uphold their out dated rules and...
  14. Land of the Free?

    Is this Nute burn, ph prob, or heat stress. pics

    OK Things are cooling down now to about the 80-84 degrees range. I flushed my soil with tap water for a few days. I'm going to get some reverse osmosis water and start flushing weekly. However, I still need to get a PH tester, and wonder if the reverse osmosis water will be to low in PH. I'll...
  15. Land of the Free?

    Can I move my timer forward 15 minutes when flowering?

    Thanks for the Insult!!:fire: I bet people are SOooo Awesome were you are from. Granted I don't like allot of people here in SD, but there are nice people. Stop generalizing. Where you from? I bet there are some bad apples there too. :lol: GO CHARGERS!!
  16. Land of the Free?

    Totally healthy, can I still obtain a medical card?

    Nuff Said. I couldnt have said it better myself. The Laws are not fair on Cannibis, but don't fight against the good progress. Peace:leaf::leaf:Free the Weed
  17. Land of the Free?

    YouTube embed for users with XXXX amount of posts

    Well I feel better that It's not just me.. LOL:-P I was about to start cussing and punching things. :fire: Wow did we just waste two pages or what? Thanksfor trying to help though!
  18. Land of the Free?

    YouTube embed for users with XXXX amount of posts

    yeah never had problem except here. [ youtube ] [ /youtube ] Delete every space inside the brackets right. I did that. Damn it!