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  1. ct420

    Skunk Fem 2nd grow pics every day Widow Flowerin Pics Also

    dude that looks amazing good job!
  2. ct420

    can i replant these? (pics)

    man im not sure, but could i just cut the guy at the stem? and leave the roots, they couldnt do much damage. unless they affeccted the other roots. idk man im not experienced at all this is my first time. what do u think?
  3. ct420

    can i replant these? (pics)

    thanks guys i replants into a bigger pot, they r looking a little wilty but im sure they will sprout back up. thanks again
  4. ct420

    can i replant these? (pics)

    great thanks guys
  5. ct420

    can i replant these? (pics)

    thank you very much and yes im very new so i will make sure not to do this again in the future. But if i do replant them, should i just try not to untangle them and keep them together just in a bigger pot, so the roots can spread out a bit more?
  6. ct420

    can i replant these? (pics)

    help please this is my first time and they r doing very well. but the pot is too small. can i replant them now? they are a little older than 2 months
  7. ct420


    they are outdoors
  8. ct420


    yes, will i get little product from it?
  9. ct420


    my plants are small about a foot, and they are flowering. is this bad, and will i get very little weed?
  10. ct420

    i need good advice

    thanks brah
  11. ct420

    i need good advice

    my plants are 2 months old and abut a foot, when can i be able to tell the sex? and should i dispose of males immediatley?
  12. ct420

    Help im a noob and so far it looks good

    yes thank you very much
  13. ct420

    Help im a noob and so far it looks good

    Hey this is my first time growing and im 2 months so far. They are growing on my roof, and looking good. The only problem is i have three plants in on little window pot, and i dont know if i can transplant them now, or if its too late. they are about 2 months and in vegetive stage. they are...