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  1. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    that would explain my blue hash growing real good and its between 24-28. ill maybe try dropping the temp a bit, but it drops at night right now still, drops to about 12-16. the humidity is all over the place from 16%-85% having troubles regulating that right now
  2. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    wicked! thats real re-assuring to hear. thanks man. ill give them some more time to see if they start growing rapid or not. the blue hash plant has been sitting around 24c for its temp, keeping it lower to try to bring out the colour in the plant, my 8 ball plants have been between 28-32 the...
  3. moshi 519

    8 ball kush 12 days into veg, TINY!

    hey everyone i got 4 8ball kush plants in veg right now under 400w MH. they are 12 days in and growing real slowely! here is the link to my grow journal, lots of pictures and explanations to what im doing there!
  4. moshi 519

    8 ball kush 12 days into veg, TINY!

    hey everyone i got 4 8ball kush plants in veg right now under 400w MH. they are 12 days in and growing real slowely! here is the link to my grow journal, lots of pictures and explanations to what im doing there!
  5. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    So i think im in need of some help here guys!! much is appreciated. these little guys are 12 days into veg, i started giving them nutes two days ago and have responded well, im not sure if im feeding them to little or to much, when i started feeding growth picked up quite a bit. but they are...
  6. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    honestly dude i havent done the 8ball before, i was doing some research and there suppose to be pretty large, i have 4 plants in a 2 feet wide 5 feet tall 2 feet deep tent. they should be ok, i havent been giving them nutes before but they were going slow so i started feeding them a pretty...
  7. moshi 519

    Blue Hash second CFL grow

    so we are 20 days into veg now, she has only been fed twice, and will be fed more now, the leaf curling has stoppped and is doing nothing but soaking up light. we prunned and trimmed her up today, we will do one more trim before it goes into flower. its looking real fat and bushy, getting a real...
  8. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Here is the 8 day update! they are looking pretty good, kinda slowed down there growing. Was wondering if i should be feeding them nutes now? since there in coco i dont no how much there getting. They have been watered a couple times a day about 250ml each plant. I also have the piranha for the...
  9. moshi 519

    Blue Hash second CFL grow

    ya the thermometer is directly beside the plant, attached to the pot. I dont believe temp is the problem
  10. moshi 519

    Blue Hash second CFL grow

    do you think my leaf curl is from underwatering? because its only been between 23-29c in the box
  11. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    i love the vanilla kush, maybe barney's doesnt have the best seeds of it, but the vk from amsterdam seeds has been A+ over here
  12. moshi 519

    Blue Hash second CFL grow

    Here is the second CFL grow we have going, same conditions as my last cfl, except we know what the strain is. We got a little bit of a bigger pot for it, but will be getting a bigger one. using the plant prod 20-20-20 nutes still. it was germed for 3 days and went into soil march 20th, so were...
  13. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    So there 4 days since they went into the coco, #1 is 7cm tall, and is growing about 1cm every 10 hours right now, #2 is 6cm tall and growing at the same rate, #3 is at 4.5 cm and is growing a little slower, and #4 is growing the slowest at 3.5cm, i rotated the pots around to see if the lights is...
  14. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    Alright so i need a little help guys, i haven't worked much with humidity, and right now its sitting lower then i want, between 20-30 % how do i raise this? i hear a spray bottle and mist everything? i was going to get my spray bottle today anyway, anyone help me out with some idea's? i also...
  15. moshi 519

    8 Ball Kush Grow

    So im onto my second grow now, the first being a cfl, one plant (random seed). Made a few upgrades and just planted four 8 ball kush seeds today. The seeds germ'd for 3 days. Running a 250W metal halide for the first week or so until the plants are strong enough to with stand a 400W Metal...
  16. moshi 519

    Few More Weeks, 1st CFL Grow

    my leaves are dying at a rapid pace! and im not sure if i should cut the bud now early or not, need some help guys!
  17. moshi 519

    Few More Weeks, 1st CFL Grow

    Here is the week 6 update for yyou guys! almost ready Please let me know,and help me out about my leaves!!
  18. moshi 519

    Few More Weeks, 1st CFL Grow

    Should I be trimming off all the bottom little leaf growth on it? focus more on the buds? and a couple fan leaves i ask about in the video?
  19. moshi 519

    Few More Weeks, 1st CFL Grow

    Here is a video for you guys! she is now 5 weeks into flowering, to excited
  20. moshi 519

    Few More Weeks, 1st CFL Grow

    Just did a video, these guys are now 5 weeks into flowering will have a link on here soon!