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  1. HappyHerbologist

    Stretched Plant!!! First Grow Need Help Plz (pics)

    means youre lights are too far away. Im doing something similar with a budget grow-op ive got my desk-lamps as close to the plants as possible. I was in a similar situation to you a little while ago. I would advise that you take a little twist tie to prop up the plants, but that fork may work...
  2. HappyHerbologist

    Yellowing Tip

    thanks man. You know, just worried about they kids.
  3. HappyHerbologist

    Yellowing Tip

    Hey, ive got some little guys about a week old under like 5 13w cfls. The metal lampshades might have been touching the leaves of the plants, but im not sure. Anyways now one has a little yellowish-white splotch on it. Should this anything to be worried about?
  4. HappyHerbologist

    Smallest "yielding" plant ever

    hey man, an i get some instructions on the cactus method? That looks pretty dope. Im really just trying to grow anything at all, not necessarily a huge yield
  5. HappyHerbologist

    insainly potent plants

    all the medical stuff that is being done ia CA right now is pretty dope. Im from the Northeast but sometime we get some of that stuff. Old Compton Kush, Grape Ape?, and bubbilicious were a few ive smoked before. That was AWESOME!
  6. HappyHerbologist

    24 hour liighting!?

    Hmm, i was reading more and it looks like this issue goes alot deeper than i thought. for an experiment i will leave my lights on 24/0 until 1 week from Sunday, the 19th, for two full weeks of growth from seed and then switch to 18/6. In doing more reading some people said extended lighting and...
  7. HappyHerbologist

    24 hour liighting!?

    wow Joby, i really like that set up you've got man. Eventually my plants are going to need a car-ride back home for the summer. Im going to try to shoot for a set-up like that once i redo everything. What exactly are you using?
  8. HappyHerbologist

    24 hour liighting!?

    Im a first time grower, but over the last few weeks i have been doing ALOT of research on lighting, growing, etc. Right now i am 1 week into my first grow from bagseed. I started with a whole bunch of seeds, germinated 5 and have 4 left. Im running 3 13watt CFL's over the four plants at 24/0...
  9. HappyHerbologist

    Grow Box Cfl's-First try!!!

    nice plants. Im trying to do the same thing, a budget grow under all CFLs. How old are your plants right now, cause theyre looking pretty good?
  10. HappyHerbologist

    Enough Lighting?

    Hey everyone i am almost a week into a grow and so far one has died. Im running 3 13w CFL's over my four ladies in a pretty small space. Im trying to keep then small so after flowering they max out at around 3 ft. Does anyone think this operation will work, or should i step up the lighting?
  11. HappyHerbologist


    ill look for this story, but once i heard an anecdote that adrenochrome was the only drug from Fear and Loathing that Hunter S Thompson that did not really exist. The story goes one day a kid came up to Hunter and said "hey man i love that adrenochrome shit, its amazing! Hunter then laughed and...
  12. HappyHerbologist

    Need Help!! Pics!!

    hmm, im not an expert but maybe move your light closer. What ive done is put my hand on the top of the plant, and if your hand is uncomfortable then it is too hot, but leaves curling up makes me think they are trying to get closer to the light
  13. HappyHerbologist

    The Slump

    Hey everyone, right now ive got five little guys each about four ways old. Everything seemed to be going well until this morning i found my nicest plant was just slumped over in its pot, with its leaves touching the ground. I dont think i am over-watering and the lighting is pretty good. Does...
  14. HappyHerbologist

    are these 2 girls please verify

    im no expert, so someone needs to correct me if im wrong, but those look like girls to me. They have the two white hairs coming out of the nodes.
  15. HappyHerbologist

    Help with Heat

    thanks guys. Theyre actually not in the window, sorry if thats what i made it seem like. Im waiting for my phone to work again, because its my only camera. But ill have some pics pretty soon. It definitely doesn't drop below 60 degrees in my room, but i figured that might somehow hurt the...
  16. HappyHerbologist

    Help with Heat

    Hey guys i just readjusted my set-up, right now im running two florescent 13 watt lights, and just added a third over my little sprouts. My problem is however, that the area they are in is often cold, (The windows are always open from smoking) i have pretty limited space, so they cant really be...
  17. HappyHerbologist

    Noob question

    no it does not. Hopefully you got a grinder with a kief catch so you can catch all the little stuff falling through. That makes a really nice addition to any bowl.
  18. HappyHerbologist

    Euforia plant 3 weeks old

    looks really good so far dude. I wouldn't change anything youre doing
  19. HappyHerbologist

    Straight Sprout Supoort

    thanks for the support man. I going out today to get some more lights. i added a fan too. Ill put up more pics later.
  20. HappyHerbologist

    Straight Sprout Supoort

    Hi, i am a big time noob grower, the only thing i have done is read a bunch of on-line guides and FAQs. Here is by buddy's and I's set up. i've got four little sprouts all about two days old. Im using florescent lights. Right now im keeping the lights on 24 hours a day and i check the plant...