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  1. MonsterPot

    Snapped seedling, now leaf Qstn

    hey thanks = ) Thinking about buying seeds, but first will see how this grow goes...and how my G/F reacts lol
  2. MonsterPot

    Snapped seedling, now leaf Qstn

    O.k cheerz, will 'seasol' seaweed concentrate do? Should i cut the stuff off?
  3. MonsterPot

    Snapped seedling, now leaf Qstn

    Why does pot size matter? yeah will up the ph today. Humidity dome because i totally snapped the seedling, effectively i was cloning had no roots whatsoever...humidity dome to stop the plant losing moisture through its leaves as it had no roots for a while...
  4. MonsterPot

    Snapped seedling, now leaf Qstn

    Hi all! First off - great forum! I had some major problems with my seedling a few weeks ago and couldn't find much specifically relating to my issues (maybe i didn't search hard enough), so i'll put this out there b4 questions. I totally snapped my seedling after about 4 days of growth. It...