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  1. B

    Week 6 flower PPP Grow. How does she look?

    I really wish someone would clue me in how they are getting ready to harvest in 7 weeks. Is this really from start to finish? I call bullshit. The more I read on this site, the more I question this number. Are you counting your time to harvest from when you put the plants under 12-12? Are you...
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    Length from a 400hps to 3 week old babies??????

    Good afternoon (or evening or morning). My HPS emits a red spectrum, best used for budding. Halide is a blue spectrum, best used for veg. Since I have found this out, I am using my 1000 watt halide for veg growth. When I go to 12-12, I am now putting my little ladies under two 400 HPS. The...
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    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Personally, from what I have been told, HPS is more appropriate for budding; a halide (do not mistake this for halogen) light is what you want for veg. I use a 4' double tube flourescent (with 75 watt "plant" tubes). I top all of my plants, so that my nodes are no farther than two inches apart...
  4. B

    anyone use mm for metal illness, psychotic symptoms,mood disorder

    If anything, I try to avoid my psych meds. The older I get (55), the more I realize that psych meds are just a trap to keep me more in their control. The psych med providers say that mj is addictive, well, what about my psych meds? They tell me that I can't just stop taking my psych meds, I must...
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    anyone use mm for metal illness, psychotic symptoms,mood disorder

    Thank you so much for all of your replies. I actually joined this "forum" last year, but because I am not the most computer literate person in the world, I was unable to navigate through the system; I still am not quite sure. When I first joined, I was reprimanded for not following proper...
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    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    I have been growing personal medical mj for a few crops now. I use a four foot, double "plant" bulbs to use on my clones, lighting for 24 hours the first week. I use cloning gel (I use Olivias) after letting my cuttings soak in my "secret solution" for a couple of hours. Then, I put my little...
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    Go Celtics

    The ballgame was too beautiful tonight. They left no doubt as to who are the Kings of the B-ball Court. F--- you Kobe. Too bad Luke Walton plays for LA. His dad, Bill (Portland Trailblazers) is one of my all time favorite hoopsters and he loves smokin' da kine. He is also one of the high holy as...
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    anyone use mm for metal illness, psychotic symptoms,mood disorder

    I am one of the fortunate few here in Alaska that is prescribed medical marijuana. Since the Feds started threatening to get shitty, doctors up here are not quite so ready to prescribe. I have been legal for five years. My doctor is a bible thumping, born again, fundamentalist, but he says he...
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    Welcome New Members!

    A gallon of water a day seems quite excessive. You shouldn't water your plants until you stick your index finger into the dirt up to the second knuckle and it's dry. Remember, these are weeds! They do better with less water, not more. I am only on my third crop, but, even though I had good...
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    Your favourite papers?

    I have always liked Modianos, sometimes referred to as "professors" because of the picture of the old man on the cover. They burn ash free, there is no gume and the papaers are just the right size for rolling up a "fattty"
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    Microwave or Natural

    Just got a couple of White Widow clones in exchange for two Northern Lights. I am really small time and am just blundering along. I am legal for medical marijuana here in the state of Alaska, so that definitely take some pressure of the paranoia factor. My second crop is coming along...
  12. B

    Drying and Curing HELP!!

    Bearsbuds says, My first crop I ever grew, I dried way tooo fast in an upstairs bedroom closet. My second crop has come out do much prettier and healthy. I used all natural nutrients; Bat shit, seagull shit, worm casings, liquified seaweed, Super Thrive and fish fertilizer pellets. I make a big...
  13. B

    Welcome New Members!

    I am still not real up exactly how to utilize the Forum. Could really use some clues. I'm just not sure how to get my message where I want it to go. Maybe I'm smoking too much chronic to comprehend. I am a medical marijuana user;; have been for four-five years, plus I take Marinol. I need to be...
  14. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Boy, you have plants that are a week old and they are nine inches? For God's sake, what are you using for nutrients?That's awfully tall for week old babies!!! I agree with the previous post about the internodal length. I am growing Northern Lights Indica and I, personally, like a short bushy...
  15. B

    Welcome New Members!

    too much humidity. Use fans...that will strengthen the stalks, too always, bearsbuds
  16. B

    Welcome New Members!

    this is my first crop and I'm in bud now, have been for about a month. I'm a medical user, but here in Alaska I can only (legally) have six plants with three in bud. My veg state was 60 days.Are your leaf stems getting dark burgundy? If so too much miracle grow. Throw that stuff out and get some...
  17. B

    Welcome New Members!

    this is my first crop and I'm in bud now, have been for about a month. I'm a medical user, but here in Alaska I can only (legally) have six plants with three in bud. My veg state was 60 days.Are your leaf stems getting dark burgundy? If so too much miracle grow. Throw that stuff out and get some...
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    Ideas For Quicker Growth

    Am one week into 12-12 with 100 watt metal halide. Put on 12-12 when white hairs started showing. Plants about 18 inches tall. Only 3 plants, but 8-14 stalks besides plenty of undergrowth (buds).Light about 18 inches above plants. Any tips. Especially need help with ideas on pruning at this stage.
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    Welcome New Members!

    am a new grower. Just wondered if anybody would answer me. I've never done this (posting) before My plants have just started budding and I went to 12-12 about a week ago