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  1. foulmouth666

    Puff and Listen Thread.
  2. foulmouth666

    Puff and Listen Thread.
  3. foulmouth666

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    even gooder!
  4. foulmouth666

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    Fun stuff, with some Sonoran desert mixed in.
  5. foulmouth666

    Golden Pineapple issues

    OK so just went into my office with one of my employees (and long time friend) that doesn't medicate, and had him take a whiff of my jar, he says I'm nuts when I smell berry. However he said it smelled sweet but couldn't place it until I told him it was called Golden Pineapple. I'm pretty...
  6. foulmouth666

    Golden Pineapple issues

    Got my cuts from a pretty reliable source (thanks again Iriele) but now that you mention it it does have a cross between citrus and berry odor, figured that was because of the Sweet that I use. It has a "pineapple like" (I.E. not pineapple upsidedown cake but light and slightly acidic but not...
  7. foulmouth666

    Golden Pineapple issues

    Stakes and Botanicare Silica added to my recipe fixed that straightaway. I found it humorous myself on the 1st run, but thats because they were falling over from the weight of the flower and I didn't have breakage just bend-age and pride in fat juicy nugs.
  8. foulmouth666


    I make some bomb candies that are good for nausea and taking the edge off of pain. Hit me up in PM or better yet over at I am up north as well.
  9. foulmouth666

    question on az card renewal

    I just renewed and my understanding according to the lit. that AZDHS sent me was that my old card is good til expiration and the new card doesn't work until the date printed on the card.
  10. foulmouth666

    alternative lighting

    and use 2x the power
  11. foulmouth666

    Where to get quality meds?

    If you do outdoor up here in the hills, watch yer shit don't get eaten by Elk or Deer or Javalina. And don't listen to the cats that tell you Javies don't eat your shit, they sure as hell do!
  12. foulmouth666

    How to clean tent/grow room after herms

    Thanks Philo for asking my question before me so my answer was already here.
  13. foulmouth666

    What Base Nutrient line are you running?

    If anyone is interested has links to botanicare and XNutrients for free samples.
  14. foulmouth666

    When your Lady turns into a Lesbian, or When your plant goes hermie???????

    Does just a portion of the plant turn male or is it a complete transformation??:?
  15. foulmouth666

    What Base Nutrient line are you running?

    I did an experiment. I didn't document it or anything so ya'll will just have to take my word for it. But here it is. I took 3 identical (as close as possible) clones from an Aurora mother. Once they were ready to feed I used A) Fox Farms trio B) X Nutrients and C) Botanicare CSN17. Long story...
  16. foulmouth666

    What the F@#k Are you Smoking?

    I'd give my left nut for a cut of that Malawi Gold, just saying.
  17. foulmouth666

    What the F@#k Are you Smoking?

    BTW came across what this cat was calling Pink Lemonade, sitting in a work related training session this morning and my co worker tells me "Dude I smell Peanut Butter" and now I been smelling it all day to. Good smoke though, nice to know that there are a few folks up here that aren't treating...
  18. foulmouth666

    What the F@#k Are you Smoking?

    I think we all need to start supporting our own economy and tell Cali and Colorado to cash out in their own house and get off AZ's damned lawn. That being said, take some cutting and spread the love Kush LOL.
  19. foulmouth666

    Snapped one of my ladies neck :(

    So I put a spike next to her that was about the same height and used a plant tie to strap her to it. So of course I'm a concerned parent and I ran back in there a couple of hours later to check on her and all of her new growth had fallen over and wilted a bit. BUT I thought to myself that Id'...