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  1. jasonxx420


    kind seeds
  2. jasonxx420

    aluminum foil - may your light carry on

    No doubt Mylar is the best and aluminum is only like 55 or 60 % around there. All i have used in any big project is Mylar and i have always Had grate success with it.
  3. jasonxx420

    2 weeks into

    kill the male if it pollinates in the house it can still pollinate the girls threw the venting in your house threw the heater
  4. jasonxx420

    2 weeks into

    pik # 3 is a boy cant tell on the rest.
  5. jasonxx420

    This Is Going To Be Sick

    OK sorry all now i got pix. Keep in mind it still has a lil tweaking to be finished.
  6. jasonxx420

    Roots Growing Shrooms!

    i grow mushrooms to and i no that it was not the good kind if it was a mushroom at all. mushrooms take a very precise temp and humidity to grow
  7. jasonxx420

    how do i plant my roaches?

    lol grow your roaches and tell me how it comes out good luck. hit me up i want to git a lil of the grass that grows from them. or a seed will do thanks lmfao
  8. jasonxx420

    How to transport.

    man all you need to do is git boxes the size of the plants and move them that way come on
  9. jasonxx420


    I am growing K.C.36 & Dynamite. Can any one tell me anything about them? yield potency growth patterns?? Anything will do thank you.
  10. jasonxx420

    Online seed security

    I did it not to long ago. I went with and i got my shit and they have a 90% success rate guaranteed or they will send you more if you don't git that many to sprout.
  11. jasonxx420

    Ebb and Flow Hydro Question

    About 3 times a day is what i do for 30 min each cycle.
  12. jasonxx420

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    mushrooms and pot that is the way to go and i grow them so i don't have to git my shit from no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. jasonxx420

    Ebb & Flow vs Drip

    Ebb&flow i think is the way to go. I did the drip thing a time or two but did not mutch care for it on a big scale to mutch shit to deal with. you dont no if all your plants are getting the same amount of water thae git shit in the hoses and so on that is just me i like to keep things as simple...
  14. jasonxx420

    B52 and White Rhino

    Sounds to me like you are doing it ok so dont trip thae look good to me not all of them but most if thae were going to fail thae would have.
  15. jasonxx420

    B52 and White Rhino

    Thay look ok to me just chill and wate thay will root. what did you use when you cloned them??????
  16. jasonxx420

    This Is Going To Be Sick

    Ok sorry no pix this week.I did not have mutch time to do shit. i do have 2 seeds that popped up looking good. We got about all the room set up now just lacking a thing or two. the veg sight is all set up got the venting finished. The venting is one 468 CFM blower for the flowering chamber and...
  17. jasonxx420

    flood and drain

    That is to mutch. 3 times a day for 30 min is what i do and i have been doing that ever since i started growing hydro 10 or so years ago. I think that once a day is not enough. Every time you flood your tray you are replacing O2 to the roots.
  18. jasonxx420


    videoman and i are cool now it is all good. and for the gramical errors i just tipe i could give a shit how it looks as long as i git the point acrosed. with the 70 wt you should have bout 40 wt per ft
  19. jasonxx420


    feloniouscarpo sorry bout all that not trying to jack your thred. 50-75 is just fine.
  20. jasonxx420


    Ok videoman i was just posting the thread because i wonted to show you from one of many places that running over 2000 ppm is not good. And for a fact i no it is not a good thing to run over 2000 ppm first had i have killed a crop from overdoing it with co2 don't make me sound like i am sum 13...