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  1. solstice08

    The roots

    Ahh, alright then yes, it still was the tap root, the seedling was only several days old when it was moved. Guess it makes sense that roots will branch out eventually to gather more nutes/water.
  2. solstice08

    The roots

    When a seedling was transplanted i saw that its root led directly down in a straight line, they did not branch out, so does this mean that a grower really needs a narrow but tall pot instead of a "FAT" pot?
  3. solstice08

    Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging

    I used that pot 2 grow 2 germinated seeds, 1 died from being transplanted (from the plastic box) so I left it on the side since I was going to buy bigger pots soon.
  4. solstice08

    Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging

    How are they doing? I'm thinking a bigger pot is needed, these are 5-6in pots i think. All about 3in. Black pot is the oldest, other ones are a few days younger. 6x 23w CFLs, (1x 2300k and 5x 5500k) Grow room changed to the board hanging with Y connectors now. #1 #2 #3
  5. solstice08

    Circiline Fluoresent?

    I had one for a few days, but it was to loud, I'd hear it when I went to bed to I took it out. Mine was a 30W I think, I don't think it would have done much.
  6. solstice08

    FREE light bulbs...again.

    Submitted, thanks!
  7. solstice08

    Max watts before overload on eletricity

    So really I can't do it unless i'm just being ridiculous with the CFls. I was planning on wiring ~12 cfls together that will beam from the top and having one wire to the plug. Seems like it will work out. Thanks for the info everyone.
  8. solstice08

    Max watts before overload on eletricity

    If I wired CFLs together, say 23W, how many could I do before I eventually overloaded a circuit and caused a spark/short. Other instances to, if I had fewer wired together but more wired plugs. (USA) [edit] yeah electricity, can't change it now
  9. solstice08

    Tin foil - White paint...Which is better?

    I have another view to the debate, what about painting Aluminum foil with flat white paint?
  10. solstice08

    Cfl Sog

    Finished reading through those...that's amazing...If he only sold that strain :(
  11. solstice08

    First Timer here...closet Grow

    Hahah I like that closet, congrats on 1 week, I just planted mine yesterday, I just want it to sprout!
  12. solstice08

    CFL Grow 2 Months Old

    I checked out home depot, well for Daylight bulbs it's a little to expensive (PLus no 27w=100w bulbs) so i checked walmart, well for the same price home depot has it for, 3 x 100w equivalents daylight, 1600 lumens compared to 1300 at homedepot for $8. Brand = GE
  13. solstice08

    CFL Mod - Circline

    Incandescents are there just for few lumens and heats mainly. They will be gone soon. and idl I've only seen the circs in this diameter, but they probably have them bigger, that would be a nice grow set up.
  14. solstice08

    How's this setup-

    I'll keep buying the CFL that I have on thee now. Soil is Expert Gardeners, one of my seeds has sprouted, planting it tomorrow, should I change the soil. Those glass beads I put in there hoping it would keep moisture down, but also decoration when i watch them grow (first grow :neutral:)
  15. solstice08

    CFL Mod - Circline

    I think what I going to do is grow it around my center light, so it gives light from the bottom of the plants.
  16. solstice08

    How's this setup-

    (Seeds are germinating atm) Closet desk. Right now I have - 1x (27w = 100w) Daylight CFL by n:vision (1300 Lumens) 1x 60w prob? Purple grow light or heat light, not sure what it is 1x 60w PRob? Red light, I think its a party light so it's trash 1x 60w General Purpose bulb (630 Lumens) Ignoring...
  17. solstice08

    CFL Mod - Circline

    If I added a few more CFLs into the circline wiring, and made it lead out to 2 wires (+&-) would that be ok, or would it cause a short/spark?
  18. solstice08

    CFL Mod - Circline

    sweet, yeah exactly what i was planning on doing, using the metal as a holder putting this in the middle of my triangle of plants. Thanks!
  19. solstice08

    Flowering in limited space

    Subscribed, can't wait to see the outcome