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  1. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Here are the pics of the plants in the flowering closet. I still need to put a little more work into the closet, as it is not as the plant area isnt as light efficient as it could be.
  2. soulbad

    Tent burning up help!

    I know this is extreme, but maybe if your grow doesn't have to be to stealthy you'd have somewhere else to very temporarily hang your lights and put your plants until you sort it out? I know if it is an open area it won't be nearly as efficient light wise, but your plants could die under 100oF :-\
  3. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    I gave my plants a good watering last night (1/2 grow nutes). I finally got things to hang up my HPS, and the way my other closet is setup works great for hanging it! I can actually move the light laterally easily without unattaching it. I am going to put my plants under the 400w HPS for the...
  4. soulbad

    Tent burning up help!

    Oooh what was i thinking, of course you can't keep the AC on all the time, it's january >.<. Ah shit man, well good luck to you. Maybe get some CFLs to get going for now until you can get a cooltube?
  5. soulbad

    Tent burning up help!

    Cooltube or CFL's are both definitely options for you! But is there any reason you can't run the AC on low for the whole time? Also, Smoke alot makes a great point that you should make sure the air gets to travel through the whole grow room instead of taking the fastest route to the exit duct...
  6. soulbad

    Tent burning up help!

    Well I would say if you want to use your 400watter in such a SMALL area, you are going to have to keep the AC duct running. I just dont see how you could keep an area thats 3' x 1.5' cool with a 400w HPS. For such a small space I could be wrong but I think you'd have been better off with a 250...
  7. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Nothing very special going on. They all seem to be growing very healthy and starting to accelerate a bit. Still on 24/0 lights and no signs of preflowers. Here are some pics, might take clones soon (within a week or two) .' Btw, back to using my camera more cool pics :-(
  8. soulbad

    Blueberry DP Female GO GO GO !! Scrog Method

    For a a bushy indica i don't think that's to bad for 4 weeks at all.
  9. soulbad

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room

    So i put the wet towel in about an hour ago and my room humidity has gone up to about 45-50%! It is also just noticeably much more humid in the room.
  10. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    I hung up a wet towel in my room and also have a bucket of warm water. Put those in about an hour ago and my closet has gone from 72F and 20% humidity to 79F and 45% humidity.
  11. soulbad

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room

    I'm not worried to much about temp right now man. I did just hang up a very wet towel in my room, and put a bucket of warm water next to the plants. Read about them both in another thread, I'll check back soon to see if they help humidity.
  12. soulbad

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room

    Ya i'll have no prob keeping my flower room that low, I jsut want to get my veg room much higher. Any thoughts on a good cheap humidifier?
  13. soulbad

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room

    Ya I was worried 20% was ridiculously low. Anyone know of some cheap humidifiers online that work for small grow rooms?
  14. soulbad

    Temperature/ Humidity in my Veg Room

    My veg room is a small closet about 8 square feet or so. It sits around 75F all day, and 20% HUMIDITY. Do you think humidity that low could be affecting growth? Worth a small humidifier? Here is my grow if it helps at all...
  15. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    So I gave them a good watering earlier this evening. My humidity is pretty low, and my soil dries up pretty quick (2-3 days). My toppings seem to be doing great. No signs of preflowers yet, here are some pics. :leaf:
  16. soulbad

    Does anyone like to get high and lift weights?

    I've thought a lot recently about Pot and how it will effect my family when I have kids. I really can't see myself allowing my son/daughter to smoke until they are 17 or 18 openly, though I will be realistic that teenagers do it and inform them about it :O
  17. soulbad

    Is this a retarded seed? Growth is weird.

    LOL i'm thinking that is your root....strange
  18. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Man i'm stoned. But it was terrible weed :-\, can't wait to get a harvest! I'm off to work >.<, i'll update when i get home tonight.
  19. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Cool man, I was hoping to get advice by doing this...but i'm even happier to hear that it's helping people. Yah my setup will be a bit more organized soon; i just dont like the fact that like 4 of the plants are different ages lol, so I have different strange things under them to get them closer...
  20. soulbad

    lets c your pet pics! my pitbull bully pics

    ELVIS THE PELVIS 1.5 year old lab :D