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  1. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Ok Thank You!!!
  2. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Ok so i should flush both now ... yes?
  3. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    2 gallons of water? wont my plant die from over watering???
  4. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Gygax did u not read wot i sed? i did not feed the previous plants any nutes before and they both died ... but i guess i could flush, how do i do this? thanks
  5. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    but one of them looks fine so i dont think its the nutes and the reason i giv em nutes is i tried twice before with this siol/setup and they died, so i figured i try with nutes and they are still alive.
  6. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    yes i plan i cloning one if there is a female, anymore advice? thanks
  7. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Heres some more info .... Im using Westlands West Advance + Water Saving Soil Using after 5 days a 1/8 strength nute solution of B&Q Organic Tomato Food 4-6-2 (N-P-K) I had them under 2x 18w Fluoro tubes for the first week, and i planned on putting them under my 125w enviro but i smashed...
  8. tech9374

    Whats wrong with my plant?

    Hey, i have 2 kc-36 plants which are about 1 week and 2 days old .... Heres the healthy looking one and heres the unhealthy looking one And heres sum pics of both together if you need anymore info then please ask thanks, tech
  9. tech9374

    First ever grow! ...Closet/CFL/Bagseed...

    Traffic i definetly think you need a hygrometer, for temp and humidity, looks like u have a serious heat problem, i would use that 80mm fan as a exaust on the top or near the top of ur space, to get all the hot air out. hope that helps tech
  10. tech9374

    First ever grow! ...Closet/CFL/Bagseed...

    HAHAHA, lmao fdd2blk
  11. tech9374

    2 KC-36 1 week old, whys one dying?

    btw what does IMO mean?
  12. tech9374

    2 KC-36 1 week old, whys one dying?

    Yea but there both kc-36 and yet one is all droopy and yellow thanks for comment
  13. tech9374

    2 KC-36 1 week old, whys one dying?

    Hi got 2 kc-36 plants which are like 1 week and 2 days old and one has been in hydro but it went a yellowish colour so i put it ino soil, any i have posted pics of both below, one looks very healthy and the other looks fucked .... Thank you, tech.
  14. tech9374

    WHITE WIDOW GROW JOURNAL 1st grow indoor

    Dam thats unlucky man
  15. tech9374

    how do u spot female lowryder

    i hate seed companies, they tell you that every seed they have is "strong" until you find out from other people its "not" sucks
  16. tech9374

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    oh yea i did a lb in a blunt! good times!
  17. tech9374

    week 9 of 12/12 grow pics.

    You guessed it, had to make up for lost time, it was the best weed id ever smoked or it could jus be the biggest :) anywayz i couldnt move afterwards :hump:
  18. tech9374

    week 9 of 12/12 grow pics.

    heres one of my beasts!! LOL :hump:
  19. tech9374

    HAHA, Stupid companies!

    THEIFS!!?? how i havent stole anything, iv just been sent free stuff :) What u expect me todo send them back? HAHAH, NO CHANCE!
  20. tech9374

    week 9 of 12/12 grow pics.

    looks sweeeeeeeet!! cant wait the see the finished product