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  1. Jeremy Pivens

    20 plant auto guerilla grow in the pacific northwest.

    My backpack is all packed, 12 out of 20 popped, so I am going to be doing some hiking in a few hours. I have 5 gallons of compost to mix into the soil, a collapsible shovel, some homemade "humidity domes" made out of plastic bottles, some dietemaceous earth, lunch, some bubba kush with...
  2. Jeremy Pivens

    How they lookin?

    I would dig big ass holes, and plant them deep enough to cover the stalks at the bottom where nothing will ever happen, spread them about 5 feet away from each other and top them again. Use a box knife to cut a shit load of holes in your smart pot for the roots to escape from. Cheers, they...
  3. Jeremy Pivens

    20 plant auto guerilla grow in the pacific northwest.

    Hello folks, Monday I ordered some seeds from a smaller, US local auto flower breeder. It's 3 days later and the seeds have already arrived! I got 4 different strains, all finishing within 12 weeks and I am going to do these in sandy native soil(I hear they prefer this anyway) and I will...
  4. Jeremy Pivens

    Way to tall

    Sometimes they like to recede back to the traits of their photo period grandparent, it happens quite a bit actually.
  5. Jeremy Pivens

    Way to tall

    Cut clones and keep them in the tent in veg until the autos finish, then you will have a good headstart on your next run.
  6. Jeremy Pivens

    Way to tall

    Definitely not an auto, top it down to the level your lights can hang with after stretch and flip that bitch to 12/12. Or take a bunch of clones and do a sea of green.
  7. Jeremy Pivens

    Do you top outdoor?

    I remember my first weed :p
  8. Jeremy Pivens

    shes back on track

    Every time you top it or bend the branches its a possibility of stunting it for a few weeks until it will grow again, try leaving it alone for a bit.
  9. Jeremy Pivens

    pine cones in bottom of planter?

    If you bake them at 300 degrees for an hour you're good
  10. Jeremy Pivens

    2018 outdoor guerilla grow

    Had 100 percent success rate with my clones. They are all in their hiking pots now! Can't wait to get these little ladies home for the summer! I gave a few plants to a friend, so now I have these 18 plus 2 more already in the woods. Keeping one of the skunk 1's for a mom, I don't want to...
  11. Jeremy Pivens

    2 month veg

    I'm buying 30 packs just in case!
  12. Jeremy Pivens

    2 month veg

    Wow that's lame, crafty little buggers.
  13. Jeremy Pivens

    2 month veg

    Make boxes out of chicken wire to plant them in, keeps the little shits out of your root system.
  14. Jeremy Pivens

    2018 outdoor guerilla grow

    These are the next 4 to go out, 2 gorilla glue #4 and 2 skunk #1. I will give them another 10 days in the cubes or so then I will start hardening them.
  15. Jeremy Pivens

    Do you top outdoor?

    Duuuude I think we have the same girlfriend.
  16. Jeremy Pivens

    2018 outdoor guerilla grow

    If I'm lacking any nutes I am going to hike in time released chicken manure pellets for veg, and some bat guano and bone meal to finish them. Hopefully the native soil is good enough to get through veg without having to hike anything in, it sure looks good enough.
  17. Jeremy Pivens

    2018 outdoor guerilla grow

    yep that was going to be my original plan until I found this spot, can't beat free worm castings! Still with synth nutes and plenty of sun and water you should be fine!
  18. Jeremy Pivens

    How big will they grow??

    I don't see any plants just dirt..
  19. Jeremy Pivens

    2018 outdoor guerilla grow

    Just put my first 2 in the ground after a short veg, these are just testers to see what the soil in the spot is like, it was DARK and I counted 14 worms in one scoop of dirt, I think were going with native soil this year. My plants are 8 feet from a spring so it should be minimal work. The...
  20. Jeremy Pivens

    ganga girls northern grow

    I'm from southern Humboldt originally, I know how it goes. I personally have never grown bigger than a 7 lb plant, but I only use 200 gallon pots outside. Now I'm in a different state and have to rethink my strategy, smaller plants that are harder to see.