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  1. Jeremy Pivens

    My very first grow looking damn good I think LOL(help)

    Need more light, alot of the smell comes from genetics, get notoriously stinky strains like sour diesel if you want the stanky danky.
  2. Jeremy Pivens

    Finding seeds a week before harvest

    S1 is the term for self pollinated femenized seed Pheno stands for phenotype, the set of observable characteristics of an individual plant, like smell, taste, bud structure. Plants of the same phenotype should have identical traits.
  3. Jeremy Pivens

    Finding seeds a week before harvest

    I'm sure it will still be worth smoking, and if not press it all into rosin!
  4. Jeremy Pivens

    Finding seeds a week before harvest

    I had an entire 40 foot light dep kit hermie and seed on me a few years ago, I feel your pain brother, 20 pounds of seeded blue dream made me cry.
  5. Jeremy Pivens

    Finding seeds a week before harvest

    If you've already flushed once they will probably be just fine man, i would hack and hang if I were you just so they don't polinate more and get a bunch of premie seeds in there before harvest.
  6. Jeremy Pivens

    Finding seeds a week before harvest

    Are they mature seeds or whiteys? I would cut them, the plants are focused on making seeds now not finishing the buds.
  7. Jeremy Pivens

    Can anyone tell what this plant is?

    If it was from brick weed it probably came from mexico, they predominantly grow sativas, so my guess would be that.
  8. Jeremy Pivens

    Can't tell if this is nute burn or something else?

    Yoda is my dogs name :D
  9. Jeremy Pivens

    Can't tell if this is nute burn or something else?

    You shouldn't be feeding bloom in veg, wait until you flip to 12/12 before feeding that. Bloom means "flower".
  10. Jeremy Pivens

    Bud rot

    I normally find it where a sugar leaf died in a main cola and caused a neucleation point for mold, keep an eye out for brown limp sugar leafs, sure sign of bud rot.
  11. Jeremy Pivens

    Any ideas what strain this could be?

    Looks just like "white gold" from sensi seeds, white widow x Himalayan gold. Normally takes 65 days to finish but I guess 70 isn't too big of a stretch. The pics you posted look very similar to the advertisement on sensi seeds website. I would have to smoke a few grams to give you a real...
  12. Jeremy Pivens

    Question on revegging???!

    It will reveg just give it some time, the sun is working in your favor now, it will more than likely yield more than the others too (see monster cropping)
  13. Jeremy Pivens

    Question on revegging???!

    He is in Australia, November December and January are the longest days of the year, if he holds out for a bit longer they will definitely go back into veg.
  14. Jeremy Pivens

    Question on revegging???!

    You can get a high power white light led flash light and go out and shine it on the plant for a few minutes every couple of hours during the dark period to keep it in veg, it is called "flashing" and it works well
  15. Jeremy Pivens

    How much longer !!!!

    My dry weight guess is 97.3 grams. Let me know how close I am in 5 weeks, leave the big stems in though :p
  16. Jeremy Pivens

    How much longer !!!!

    If there is a pound there, its wet weight including stems and leaf.
  17. Jeremy Pivens

    Having Trouble Germenating Seeds

    I don't like soaking them they can suffocate. Did you keep the paper towel method try warm and dark? I set mine on top on my refrigerator to soak up warmth from the compressor, almost 100%. I don't think 3 years is long enough to go bad, I germed seeds from 1979 a few years ago with 100%...
  18. Jeremy Pivens

    Pre-grow noob lightning question

    And why spend money on cfls if you are planning on getting better lighting eventually? In my opinion you should buy once. I started my current grow with a shitty chinese blurple but if I could do it again I would have just spent the money on my cobs and did it right.
  19. Jeremy Pivens

    Pre-grow noob lightning question

    Running 3 veros on a dimmer is more efficient than running 2 at full blast from what I understand but I'm no expert, I am currently working on some diy leds and this was suggested from some very reliable sources. Plus if you upgrade to a bigger tent you will want the extra light im sure.
  20. Jeremy Pivens

    Gratuitous BUD P*RN drop zone!

    My friend got a cut of the BB from DJ short back in 1995 at a NORML meeting in Eugene Oregon, I had a cut and kept it alive for quite a while, I was having a friend help me and the tag rubbed off a little bit and it looked like it said "BD", I told my friend to help me by killing all the blue...