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  1. Jeremy Pivens

    Your opinion matters

    They could also be rootbound, and suffocating from lack of oxygen. What size/kind of pots are you in?
  2. Jeremy Pivens

    Opened bag of happy frog soil. MUSHROOMS growing inside there. Is it still safe to use?

    If only they were the fun guys all the kids are eating these days :D
  3. Jeremy Pivens

    Opened bag of happy frog soil. MUSHROOMS growing inside there. Is it still safe to use?

    No I honestly didn't know if it was bad at the time, they sent me a replacement because I wasn't satisfied, and then I decided to try it anyway. But yes stealing is low and you shouldn't do it. :p
  4. Jeremy Pivens

    Air cooled lights....

    Bulb life doesn't sound like a big deal, but like I said, if you're running 25-30 lights, times that by 60or so bucks a pop(I like genesis bulbs) , they get expensive..
  5. Jeremy Pivens

    Air cooled lights....

    I understand what you mean, but I'm talking about sealed room industrial c02 grows. I'm just saying air cooled hoods definitely have their application. They also do help increase your bulb life, sounds crazy but I swear it's true.
  6. Jeremy Pivens

    Air cooled lights....

    They are especially useful if you have like 25 thousand watts in a well insulated shipping container or something or your room will literally be smoking your weed for you.
  7. Jeremy Pivens

    Opened bag of happy frog soil. MUSHROOMS growing inside there. Is it still safe to use?

    I have had this happen, I sent them the bag # and they sent me a new bag, I proceeded to also use the bag that had the strange growth because dude... It was free... And it did just fine, I baked it at 400 degrees for a hour to attempt to kill everything in the soil, good and bad, then let...
  8. Jeremy Pivens

    Can you use a root stimulant through entire life cycle?

    I try to dumb everything down for the general population, but nail on head. This guy knows his shit and you should listen to him.
  9. Jeremy Pivens

    Can you use a root stimulant through entire life cycle?

    auxin(the hormone that stimulates shoot growth) works in a relationship with cytokinin(the hormone that stimulates root growth), if you have too much on one, the other doesn't do its job.
  10. Jeremy Pivens

    First Time intentionally breeding seeds

    If you want to control it better, next time cut them and shake them into a plastic bag and just paint it on the buds you want to pollenate, then you can save it for future pollenations with different strains.
  11. Jeremy Pivens

    First Time intentionally breeding seeds

    Nice! I cut a male and literally flogged a female plant with it once, I got approximately 2000 seeds out of a small 3 foot plant. What genetics are you crossing?
  12. Jeremy Pivens

    First time growing help (Barneys Farm Seeds Critical Kush)

    Yes sir flip those bloom lights on! Congrats you got females. Switch to 12/12 light cycle and start feeding potash and phosphorus!
  13. Jeremy Pivens

    Outdoor potting

    Cut the bottom off the pot and stack it on top of another the same size, or on a hole in the ground full of the soil of your choice.
  14. Jeremy Pivens

    Is it worth growing a few bagseeds/hermie seeds next to bought female seeds.

    Damn that's the kind of bagseed I want. Cheers man that looks dank as a motherfucker.
  15. Jeremy Pivens

    Is it worth growing a few bagseeds/hermie seeds next to bought female seeds.

    Regardless of the hermie trait I still grow it at the i502 I work for with popular demand. People love it!
  16. Jeremy Pivens

    Is it worth growing a few bagseeds/hermie seeds next to bought female seeds.

    You would have to cut every single budsite off to effectively do this 100% of the time, which would make the plant useless anyway.
  17. Jeremy Pivens

    Newbro 2nd grow

    I like nectar of the gods! Great stuff. Google it :)
  18. Jeremy Pivens

    Newbro 2nd grow

    Cool man, are they feminized? Best of luck on your next grow.
  19. Jeremy Pivens

    Newbro 2nd grow

    You just need to up the square footage of your canopy. Try to get it to cover the 4'x4' area completely underneath your light. Don't flower longer, just get better bloom nutes and try running 2 plants vegged the same time under it.