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  1. tightpockt

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    Whats a Node jew?
  2. tightpockt

    I just deleted my facebook account

    Going through withdraw....almost logged in today out of habbit
  3. tightpockt

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    Never realized there were so many locals, relatively speaking. When I was younger I thought it would be cool to have an accent, then I joined the navy and realized I already had one...'jeet yet?
  4. tightpockt

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    Damn, look at those weights...pumping heavy iron! You must be jacked!! ;)
  5. tightpockt

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    If you're hiring hit me up. Definitely interested. Good luck on the move...I buy used tools like my girl buys shoes
  6. tightpockt

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    An assistant huh? I'm kind of in the market for new employment opportunities. Sounds lke a good gig...congrats!
  7. tightpockt

    Should the US support Israel forever ?

    You gotta move up to the NE son! It's like a safe haven in an apocalypse movie. We're broadcasting on 5223 mhz every half hour with coordinates. For serious though, about the middle east... Obviously the Palestinians are fucked up. I'm not going to list all of the horrible reason why (using my...
  8. tightpockt

    I just deleted my facebook account

    All anybody does on there is post pictures to prove that they actually went out of the house and did something. Hey look! this is me at a concert! Hey look! This is me rock climbing! Aren't I so interesting with diverse hobbies?! Get the fuck out of here..I'm living life for me from now on.
  9. tightpockt

    I just deleted my facebook account

    Because, fuck facebook. facebook isn't real life, it's a garbage distraction, a perverse attention seeking tool, I refuse to buy into that way of communicating. My real friends and family know my number...if they need me they can pick up the fucking phone. If that's too much trouble for them...
  10. tightpockt

    Need help identifying pests

    Ugh, I thought thrips initially but never had bugs so I wasnt sure and now im kinda freakibg out. I had a little of this left over and give them a good spraying top and bottom side of leaves.
  11. tightpockt

    Need help identifying pests

    I looked at my veg plants today and found these little critters crawling around. Can a nybody help me determine what they are and what course of action I should take?
  12. tightpockt

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    This wouldn't be the first time russia shot down a passenger plane.
  13. tightpockt

    patriotic american!

    That's because "back then" it wasn't demonized by the church. It was just normal. The irony being that the catholic church is the gayest institution in the land.
  14. tightpockt

    The Beard Thread

    I just trimmed my beard and the setting was too low and now I immediately regret it. :( It seems like there's only a short window where my beard looks good before it starts to look disheveled
  15. tightpockt

    patriotic american!

    I was referring to the insults
  16. tightpockt

    patriotic american!

    i don't live life in fear of imaginary, theoretical criminals coming to get me and my family. I'm more worried about righties with the itchy trigger fingers who are looking for excuses to stand their ground.
  17. tightpockt

    patriotic american!

    How christian of you
  18. tightpockt

    bottom leaves dying

    Just keep doing what you're doing, maybe water a little more often, make sure you've got good drainage and keep reading her.
  19. tightpockt

    bottom leaves dying

    That made sense when I said it but I'm high for what it's worth. Horse manure isn't that great, but it's not a big deal if a few bottom leaves die off.