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  1. D

    LED Build 3x3

    2 footers here. 12 of those with a 185 24 driver would work great. That's what I'd go for personally. Mind you that would be parralel wiring
  2. D

    LED Build 3x3

    Are you thinking of running 2 or 1 foot strips cause that changes things quite a bit.
  3. D

    LED Build 3x3

    Can't drive these past 1400 ma so you'll need more than 5 strips. You could get an HLG 185 1050 and drive 9 strips. It'll just require aluminum channel to cool. Driving the strips at 700 ma wouldn't and that driver could handle 14 strips. I wouldn't do less than that for a 3x3
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    LED Build 3x3

    Swear I saw 4 inch but I could be wrong. Either way, at 50 bucks a pop, it's not worth it. And no, i would do more than 2 strips. Not sure they can handle that much power and you'd be spending a ton on heatsinks and active cooling...
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    LED Build 3x3

    Okay so the minimum length of the strips is 1 foot. You can get em in 1,2 or 4 ft lengths. Or in a real but strips is the better option. That sink is just 4 inches long so it won't do. I would just use aluminum channel to cool and drive em softly. LED gardener has a nice tutorial on for...
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    LED Build 3x3

    Do you have any of those parts or is this a completely new build?
  7. D

    Quantum Boards or COBS?

    The 3 that I've heard are reputable are Meijiu, Bava and Kingbrite. Was gonna order from Meijiu but 100 bucks shipping was too much for me. I'd pull the trigger if I needed several lights.
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    The migro400

    I get that. I was in the same boat not so long ago except on a more limited budget and with less options at the time. May I suggest checking Migros YouTube channel. I needed to replace a dead cob and he sold me on the Logic pucks from Rapid LED. (highly recommended). He's surprisingly...
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    First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs

    Nothing wrong at all especially at that price. Hard to justify HPS anymore.
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    First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs

    Yes but I'm assuming it's the v1 version he's talking about since it's on sale. Atreum only has 301 now.
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    First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs

    Get the HLG 185 c1400 to run em at 200 watts. 50 watts per board will not require a heatsink
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    First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs This X2 plus driver Or Just giving you a couple more options to consider. I can vouch for the RapidLed lights. Really like mine...
  13. D

    First time grower - Looking at HLG LEDs

    I'm assuming the HLG uses the older diodes while the atreum uses lm301b diodes. Be aware that you'll need a driver as well. Atreum is great value but consider shipping and duty fees.
  14. D

    Lighting advice 5x5

    He's Canadian though so shipping plus duty may hurt. But yes, cobkits is good and he can use it to figure out what components he needs. Digikey is the best source for cob/strips and drivers in Canada
  15. D

    Most Underrated Breeders

    Jordan of the Islands would be my number 1. His newest God bud and Blackberry crosses are fire. God's Dosi Pie is a winner. I second Ace as well. Nice landrace strain crosses. Jahseeds for extremely cheap but pretty good quality stuff.
  16. D

    Lighting advice 5x5 That's where I learned to build my cob setup. Those guides a a little older so they don't use the newest parts but theirs a driver calculator on the site that's pretty handy. All parts...
  17. D

    Lighting advice 5x5

    You have 3 good options with that budget. CMH, HPS or you can go the diy Led route. All good options. Diy would be my choice and theirs tons of great resources out there to help you out. I've also seen a company called hortibloom advertising around here. Don't know much about them but they...
  18. D

    Cob vs hid lighting

    Hey 350 Both have advantages and disadvantages. I'm going to discount the cheap blurple LEDs here because they really aren't any better than a good HPS. I'll focus on Cobs and white SMDs here. LED: Efficiency up to ~2.20 umols per watt. Ability for manufacturers to tune spectrum Potential...
  19. D

    Cob vs hid lighting

    Their is limited research but Dr Bruce Bugsbee of Apogee is saying that in his testing, UV in small quantity has improved a plants water/nutrient uptake and he's noticed hardier plants. Ive always been of the opinion that the sun has the ideal spectrum as plants have adapted to them over...
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    Canada proud!

    You could always source parts from Digikey. Free shipping over 100$. Building a light really isn't too hard once you know what to look for