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  1. huffy420

    Economy Is Improving

    I really feel bad for dukeanthony and people alike... don't even have enough sense to get out of the rain probably. Every time i read a comment i think, "brawndo! it's what plants crave!"
  2. huffy420


    They basically did hire a hand. They still paid for that help. That hand just didn't get the money. This isnt communist ussr that has pubilc transport for everywhere you want to go, fucking genius! How about you put you novel fucking concept into fruition and setup accessible bus stops for...
  3. huffy420


    Did you not finish reading? You're more than hell welcome to waltz you're ass out in the field and harvest hundreds of acres by hand all by yourself. But by the end if the day, I would put money on it that you would be downtown buying you up some slaves at the auction house. Thats how life...
  4. huffy420


    ^^ wow.. I get what you're saying but you're getting there by Omaha. The media carefully paints any "outside the box" thought with a broad brush. All things like moon landing, JFK, sasquatch, alien contact, Fema camps, 9-11, ect. become associated with conspiracies theorists, nut jobs...
  5. huffy420


    You keep going to this point. Obviously you can't see that is how society worked at the time. Just because someone owned slaves does not mean they were for the oppression another human. It's just how society was functioning at the time. If you have several hundred acres of crop to harvest...
  6. huffy420

    Wtf msnbc???

    ...damnit... That is so disheartening. :(
  7. huffy420

    Wtf msnbc???

    I just thought we got hit hard here in Arky. I was in the tornado that hit Vilonia, Ark monday night. Whole town is gone, suprised only 4 are dead. Tuscaloosa, 100 dead. Wow... I can only imagine. My heart goes out to everyone affected. I couldn't give two shits and a fuck about the royal...
  8. huffy420

    i got your middle class....hanging

    Im not Union (Fuck Union) I am co-owner of a metal fabrication company. We are a small business. Taxes add up fast and are unrelenting. Not only am I grossly taxed on my personal paycheck (single,no dependants) but I also pay out several thousand a week in unemployment taxes and matching payroll...
  9. huffy420

    i got your middle class....hanging

    I retract that. The more that I think about it, blaming capitalism is like blaming guns for killing people. no?.. Either way. Fuck the government!
  10. huffy420

    i got your middle class....hanging

    Born free, taxed to death! Im a contract laborer too man, and I also get raped on taxes. Big business might make our lives easier, but they still have a big hand in political influence which in turn screws us. Maybe the anger should be directed toward capitalism and how it is heavily exploited...
  11. huffy420

    The average american has officially become lonely

    Dude your so caught up in the Right vs Left bullshit mind wash, its no wonder your not seeing whats going on.. Its the two-party system that has fucked most this country up. Not the righties, not the lefties... But both! This country was built discouraging a two-party system. Trading one party...
  12. huffy420

    The average american has officially become lonely

    Why dont you go read and educate yourself on Arab culture and Islamic Law before you open your arrogant mouth. Just like every other dumb American. Think you know everything n shit.. They still see him as muslim no matter what he practices.
  13. huffy420

    The average american has officially become lonely

    Actually, in the eyes of Islam, if your father is muslim(just like good ole Barack) then you are automatically viewed a muslim as well. Picking a muslim name is also expected, Hussein is very muslim and took on his fathers name. He may say he is Christian but the Islamic world sees him as...
  14. huffy420

    Listen Up Americans!

    Yes indeed they are tastey! I live in the capital of my state. The most densly populated, concrete jungle my state has to offer. Just cause someone lives in a metro area doesnt mean they cant enjoy fresh critters of nature haha
  15. huffy420

    Listen Up Americans!

    Our countries call??? Do you know why we were in Vietnam? I dont think the US had been in a legit war since WW2. Every conflict since imo have been "police-ing" missions. Wow you need education..... I guess you could call it killing, but most normal people calling harvesting...
  16. huffy420

    Climategate = FAIL

    I messed up?? Please re read again... As I said "people" as in people who post in the political forum.. I never stated that "you" claimed them as unarguable fact. Kind of like how my 3 links are consistant with the other side of the argument... Tons of universities recieve federal funding...
  17. huffy420

    Climategate = FAIL

    I think its funny how most people talk shit about main media sources. Calling them liars and fact manipulators(which they are)... Then I see the same news affiliates posted as unarguable fact... I can find links that support a cooling Earth just as easy... Ironic how that second link you...
  18. huffy420

    Climategate = FAIL

    Cause powering something like NYC on wind/solar energy is completely feasible... :eyesmoke: How would cap and trade (which essentially is where "climate change" has brought us) NOT make select individuals rich?? Your placing a price on something that is invaluable...
  19. huffy420

    America*is a Constitutional*Republic . . . NOT a Democracy

    So I got in an argument with a friend on this title. Found this speech given by Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D in 2006. Amazing how immigration has be cast to the forefront and continues to be ignored by the Government, who obviously...
  20. huffy420

    Ideas about how to stop the leak

    Kirstie Alley???