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  1. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    New technology... cops use a helicopter to spot marijuana grow rooms.. This is not F.L.I.R. because FLIR only works good at night. This new technology gives the cops the benefit of spotting grow ops during the daytime.. In America this is against the law, and cops need a warrant to "spy" on your...
  2. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Do you get decent smoke growing outdoors over here dude? Yeah maybe I'll try to arrange something indoors over the winter period then back out in the summer again and so on...I'd planned on vegging indoors and then flowering in the shed till I get a second shed set up so I'll have the smaller...
  3. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Can't find the thread dude. He was growing white rhino if I remember correctly, all under their own light. Big, bushy, beautiful plants grown in diy dwc containers that were vegged for 6 weeks I think. Then there's Heath Robinson and his 74oz off two critical mass plants that he vegged for 6...
  4. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I'm beginning to believe :) You're right dude cheers. Only thing was that I had the shed design drawn up for a single light fixture because it was ideal given the space limitations until the new shed is up and running. Is there much difference in 600w magnetic vs 600w digital ballasts...
  5. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I understand and I'm realizing that it depends on the setup of the grow room, so I appreciate the advice :). But I'm thinking for the room I'm setting up the 1000w will be superior and more versatile than the 600w but am still leaving my options open. If I get a heat issue on a hot summers day...
  6. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey there Harrekin, ye dude I've checked all the Irish stores online mate but I thought I'd ask whether there were any good retail outlets in or around the Dublin area I hadn't heard about. I just got off the phone to bloomandgrow and they said they could order the Lumatek 1000w's from the UK...
  7. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Whats the craic lads any of you know where I can get some good grow equipment in Dublin or near enough. Maybe 1000w lumatek ballasts, decent hoods like hydrofarms radiant aircooled reflectors, rhino filters, etc. Plant the seed and free the weed.
  8. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    You do realize that while things are "evening out" the richest top 5 % in America have gone from a net worth of 8 trillion in 1985 to a net worth of 40 trillion in 2007. The economy didn't grow five fold in that time, its redistribution from lower and middle income families to investors and...
  9. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    The local bakers (middle class) wages haven't risen in 3 decades while the CEO's wages have sky rocketed. The CEO of Goldman Sachs has about 100,000 times more influence over policy decisions than 100,000 bakers have, but thats alright dude, because money is power right.
  10. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Then your concept of democracy is different than mine dude. True democracy means citizens taking more control over their lives and participating in the political system, meaning that the man or woman who works in the corner bakery has as much influence and participation in the political system...
  11. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Right, laws that were created by the wealthy elites of the day to "protect the minority of the opulent against the majority". You make democracy sound like some kind of "mob tyranny", a system of oppression of some sorts, which is strange. Surely as citizens if we take a more active role in our...
  12. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    So the Senate should have absolutely no accountability to the public what so ever? As bad as it is at the moment at least there's some accountability there. You think a non elected body (Senate) should have more power than an elected body (Congress). The founders didn't want any accountability...
  13. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    I bet Maximus has more sense than his owner :-P. Thanks for the welcome, I suspect we're gonna have some good debates judging by what I've read from you so far.
  14. maximus444

    Wisconsin Revolt

    "Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. The senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these...