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  1. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Any of you fellas have any experience with the Vents TT inline fans? I got 1 with the rest of my gear up at bloomandgrow cause it was the only type they had in the size I wanted. I'm wondering whether I should purchase a vortex fan or similair and keep the TT as an emergency backup cause I've...
  2. maximus444

    Inline Fan Speed Controller on a Timer?

    Thanks for the info...if this does the job it would save an arm and a leg.
  3. maximus444

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    I like you're style!
  4. maximus444

    The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

    Corporate America won't allow Paul to become president. And whats up with so many so called "conservatives" and "libertarians" worshiping Ronald Reagan? The man was a fanatic, anti market, anti libertarian pathological liar. Heres a few words of wisdom from the man himself...
  5. maximus444

    2 Plants one Seed! Twins?

    Thats a sweet set up ya got going there. I'm looking to get something similar up and running except somewhat smaller but I'm hoping to harvest a bit every month or so, maybe like a pound every month is what I'm looking for. Do you mind answering a few questions I have about my set up dude? I'm...
  6. maximus444

    The Perpetual Early Retirement Grow!

    Ye I noticed the Kingspan alright, it looks like it sealed your rig up well so 50mm Kingspan boards are on my shopping list. I already have a couple of dehumidifiers on the list as well as the humidity over here where I am is around 80+% outside at the moment. 5 intake fans is a lot man I didn't...
  7. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    They look delicious Jingle. Is there a strong aroma off the lemon amnesia? I love the smell of lemon :)
  8. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Just found this over at the Mr Nice forum and thought I'd share it with you guys. END THE WAR ON DRUGS
  9. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ye the chopper does be over my way fairly regularly too but certainly no where near every night. I'll be using two 600w hps lights in the shed for flowering, I'll be vegging inside then moving them out to the shed for flowering and so on. I eventually want to be harvesting some smoke once a...
  10. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Do you find it hard keeping the temps steady year round?
  11. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I was thinking about that alright and it sounds good, the shed isn't here yet so I could position it closer to the boiler if I wanted. Another idea I heard was to position a spot/flood light just at the point where you're vent will be on the outside of the shed so it just looks like a light to...
  12. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I thought my shed would glow like a mofo also but after a bit of research checking up on flir I've changed my mind about it. From what the dude says and shows in this video if the shed is well insulated and certain precautions are taken the shed won't glow at all! But as I said before the...
  13. maximus444

    The Perpetual Early Retirement Grow!

    Looks like things are going nicely mate, nice looking plants you got there. I noticed you're using a garden shed, I'm just in the process of setting up something very similar myself but a few people have warned against it for various reasons. The two issues that concerned me we're temp...
  14. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I'll be getting the new shed in the next week or two so I'm going ahead with it and taking the risk. I have an oil boiler out my back garden for our central heating that's inside a 3' x 3' x 4' concrete hut and it vents the fumes (which would be far hotter than the air from my grow room) out the...
  15. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Nice to know about the Canna Terra m8 cheers...what reasons should I care if my nutes are organic or not? Taste? Are the Canna Terra nutes soil or hydroponic nutes? Cheers.
  16. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    So do I man but I just plant the seed and free the weed :) Ah no but my back yard is covered fairly well by big trees I have out there. Maybe you could try and disguise them somehow...
  17. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    They look sweet man...keep up the good work...I must get myself a little green house, we've got a fair bit of rain the past week or 2 over here.
  18. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    No dude, I take you just grow out doors then ye? Is the smoke any good that comes off your plants? What strain you grow? I have 3 that I just planted outside a few days ago in pots, probably should have kept them inside a little longer though as their tiny. Jack Herer, White x Black Widow, and...
  19. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Have you any experience with these LED lights mate?
  20. maximus444

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I wouldn't be going anywhere near 30 plants...more like 8 big plants.