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  1. G

    Droopy, yellow leafs... need help, w/pics

    This started about 3 days ago and seems to be getting worse. Ph is about 6.8. I water about every other day. I make sure the soil is dry when i stick my finger in before I water. MG 24/8/6 every other watering. I do have a small fan blowing on them when the lights are on 18/6 this is my first...
  2. G

    Am i able to top these and still get a good yield?

    check this out....
  3. G

    CFL Wattage Question-help quick

    the answer is: you have a 23w cfl
  4. G

    CFL Wattage Question-help quick

    23w cfl equivalent to 100w incandescent..... I think
  5. G

    Bud Porno

    Oh My.......
  6. G

    Tips of white hairs browning? PICS

    Yeah, I think so... Looking good man. Is this your first grow? Good Job
  7. G

    seeed trouble help

    I would say no. Give them some more time. If after 5-6 more days they dont open, then i would say they are f*ked.
  8. G

    First Time Grower. Small Closet Grow

    Hey Bro, Have you read this? It's good stuff......
  9. G

    Topping... Lets debate

    I think it is agreed, Topping Gooooood,,, MMMmmmmmm heres how:
  10. G

    Cleaning pollen

    Time to call the Orkin man.... Ha, Ha Orkin Pest Control Services: Pest Control and Termite Control
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    Cleaning pollen

    I have read that heat, cold, and alcohol kills pollen. I would try cleaning with hot water then a good alcohol spray. good luck
  12. G

    2 mths, 2 wks hows it look?

    Good point brasmith. I want to debate that further.
  13. G

    Topping... Lets debate

    Brasmith raised a good point. I have read a little in the posts about topping. What do you think? I would love to hear from the elders as well as my fellow nubies. Thanks Brasmith said: If you top it it will bush out and cause more buds to grow. Topping plants forces them to stay short...
  14. G

    1st Time Setup with pics

    wow looks good. is this your first time? Looks like you put in alot of work. Sorry I have nothing to add. Maybe the elders will grace you with some knowledge.. Good Luck
  15. G

    Forced Flowering

    if you 12/12 indoors, then move them outdoors, and it's not 12/12 outdoors.... You will have problems.
  16. G

    Someone please, HELP my clones are dying

    is it just the bottom leaves? Everything else looks good?
  17. G

    2 mths, 2 wks hows it look?

    LST - Acronym for Low-Stress Training, the technique of manipulating the branches in order to reduce plant height, expose certain branches to light, and/or distribute hormones to lower branches of the plant to encourage larger buds.
  18. G

    2 mths, 2 wks hows it look?

    from what i understand the plant will double or tripple its size when you flower. So it depends on how big you want your plant, or how long you can wait for bud :)
  19. G

    i need to learn to grow!!!

    every thing you need right here...
  20. G

    2 mths, 2 wks hows it look?

    Looks good dude. When you going 12/12?