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  1. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Well getting down towards the end here now heres a few more pics im thinking maybe another 2 weeks or so. on my two smaller satives about 60% of hairs are redish 40 white. my oldest sativa though still shows almost all white hairs. she is also losing still about 10 leaves per day and showing...
  2. oneandonly420

    IS SHE DONE YET? 10 Weeks Flowring Indica

    Hey this is my first grow and am not sure if my small indica, about 24", is done yet most of the hairs have gone from white to red/amber in color most have changed within the last week. she's covered in crystals but isnt putting out much. anyone have any thoughts about time?
  3. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Heres some pics i shot of the buds on my indica :blsmoke: i dont think she has very long to go. anyone have any i thoughts on them.
  4. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Also i know its normal for them to lose leaves torwards the end of flowering but right now im removing about 10-13 leaves a day is that excessive or is that still ok. most of the leaves removed are light green to yellowish mostly big fan leaves but some smaller ones from the satelite branches...
  5. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Alright well its been a while since i posted my computer crashed:wall: and it took me a while to get a new drive. but heres what we got. we are starting week 9 of flowering and seems to be going well. the big girl being the exception i think she got a bit of nute burn mixed with low soil ph...
  6. oneandonly420

    I do everything right, plants still dying.

    dude seriously that close to harvest yellowing and lossing leaves is normal, the excess yellowing is due to lack of nitrogen sounds like you hadnt given them any nitrogen in a while. dont worry your almost done
  7. oneandonly420

    Tips curling upwards and turning very dark

    curling most likely ph imbalance or nute burn. check ph first.
  8. oneandonly420


    i do have and 1 mainly indica she vegged 2 weeks less then the sativa and is barely 2 feet tall! looks so bomb to!!!!
  9. oneandonly420


    SpruceZues check out my grow journal i have all the specs there and i already have supplimental lighting on my girls. i have 4 HO t-5's for overhead/primary and 4 4 foot t-12's for side lighting and im adding another 3 tube ballast today/tommorow. so i do have pretty good coverge all the way around.
  10. oneandonly420


    strecth wasnt from lack of hps mainly veg time. i will try to tie it down i guess but its a bitch. shes so tall.
  11. oneandonly420


    anyone else out there have sometihng to throw in?
  12. oneandonly420


    any one else have some input
  13. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    here's just a few pics i shot yesterday. the small indica is going to need its satlite branches tide up the buds on the tips are starting to way down the thin stems. the large sativa i am getting worried about height wise. its over 6 1/2 feet and i can only raise the light so much more. the 2...
  14. oneandonly420


    actually i havent pruned it at all. i just let it be this whole grow. i flowered at 27 inches and she has more then tripled in size she is starting to slow though but i dont know if its slowing enough i am worried about lst-ing dont want to snap that trunk she TO DAMN TALL!
  15. oneandonly420


    I have a question/problem im starting week 7 of flowering and i was wondering if its not to late to top my biggest girl shes indoor grown and reaching 6 1/2 feet! i thought i could carry her all the way to harvest but i am reaching my ceiling. any help would be appreciated.
  16. oneandonly420

    Seed shell on plant

    remember guys these are plants they know how and when its proper time to do certain shit. carefully trying to rip off the part thats nurishing it especially at 3 days not a big deal .
  17. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    hey cheetah2007 its been a while. for primary lighting i have 4 4', t-5's, 3 red 1 blue, at 216 watts 19440 lumen, and for secondary i have currently 3 4', t-12's, 2 red 1 blue, at 120 watts and about 6000 lumens plus a 45 watt cfl, 2000 lumen 2700K, for the under growth. i will be adding 4...
  18. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Yup im using only flouro's this grow was going to switch to hps but didnt have a doe to do it so i used t'5 lighting as primary and t 12's for side lighting i will be added a few more t12's to finish out ths grow.