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  1. oneandonly420

    Emergency Harvest

    oh well. she was a fine looking plant. good luck on your next grow!
  2. oneandonly420

    I think my plant has chicken pox...?

    i'd be bug checking look really close especially under leaves and bases of steps. just a thought.
  3. oneandonly420

    Emergency Harvest

    show your baby some love she'll be fine get a fert high in Potassium and Phosporus - P and K-. got some good shit going there get it some time.
  4. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    ALright here we go agian these are the latest of the pics. Everything seems to be going very well. i topped a couple of the younger ones so it will be interesting to compare yields in the end. the oldest is 21in now and the only problem i have had with it lately is that it grows so much at...
  5. oneandonly420

    Emergency Harvest

    we need way more info then that. are you feeding? how often? during flowering the plant is using up everything its got to produce buds. it is normal for leaves to start browning and dieing i wouldn't rush to cut her down so quick. give her some proper flowering nutes and let her ride for a bit...
  6. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    i will post some more pics in a bit but i had a question. i want to start flowering my oldest plant since its about 20" tall whats the best way to end up at a 12/12 cycle should i do it all at once or slowly from 18/6 down?
  7. oneandonly420

    hash plant problem with pics HELP

    looks like overwatering. they look very wet and every 2 days is to much for them. sometimes i only had to water my seedlings every 4-5 days at first.
  8. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    So its been about a week since my last post i been extremely busy but here it is. the seedlings are now between all between 17-20 days old. the middle on is 31 day, and the oldest is about 2 1/2 weeks older then that. in the last 6 days the oldest plant has shot up about 6 inches and stands at...
  9. oneandonly420

    hash plant problem with pics HELP

    to post pics make go to advanced post then down to, additional options====> manage attachments then browse and upload, then attach its on the same line as the font selection. good luck hope that helped. cant see pics sorry
  10. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    well its been a few days since i transplanted and my oldest plant has started turning around. i trimmed off the lower dieing leaves that were covering the new growth. its about 11 inches tall right now. i have actually been watering with ph balanced water from my fish tank and its seems to be...
  11. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    OK here's what we got going now. i transplanted the largest one and a couple of the seedlings into larger containers yesterday night. i used FOX Farms Ocean Forest organic potting soil. i also picked up Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom nutrients. when i transplanted the oldest you can tell it was...
  12. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    ok here we go. i've attached pics of the problems. i have 2 situations right now first and most serious is my oldest plant the older leaves have started to lose color drasctically turning sort of yellowish with spots along the outer edges of the leaves and its spreading.the leaves also have a...
  13. oneandonly420

    Completely newbie having problems

    you should probably transplanted that thing bro. 1.5 in is not very deep. i have some seedlings that are 8 days old and already have roots coming out the bottom of a 5 in. deep cup. Shortly after germination the tap root shoots straight down 4-5 no time at all. Also watering everyday is...
  14. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    well i will be transplanting some/ most of these babies into larger pots hopefully tonight if not it will be tomorrow. i checked the bottom of the cups for signs of roots and you can see them starting to come through the bottom. the largest one has a ton of roots and really needs to move. even...
  15. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    what the hell no one out there has any thoughts?
  16. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Comments any one?
  17. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    So just looking for a bit of advice. i was wondering if its about time to transplant the larger into a bigger pot. its 6 1/2 inches tall and filling in quickly.the leaves feel paperish and the soil drys out very quickly this is the main reason i think it should be transplanted. Any...
  18. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    I was thinking of going with SOG but its dependent on how many ladies i end up with. And i have heard quite a few people say they get fluffy buds when using fluoro's to follow thats why i want to move up to an HPS By then. Here's a few more pics i just shot a few minutes ago. they be coming...
  19. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Welcome serpentsrising! It will be defiently interesting having someone else along to bounce ideas and results off of. As for the seeds i got them through a reliable seed bank about a week and a half ago. Yeah and i was trying to find a way to even out the plant heights and i thought what better...
  20. oneandonly420

    First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro

    Hi everyone! I've decided to keep a grow journal with this being my first serious grow I am sure to have several questions and would appreciate any comments, advice or suggestions. I will be updating most every day, time permiting of course. So let me start off by filling you in with my set up...