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  1. CaliSmokes

    Weird Bug Cant Identify.

    Aphids can come in different colors. Water won't kill them, they sound a bit bigger than what you're describing though. Here's Aphids
  2. CaliSmokes

    Weird Bug Cant Identify.

    Definitely will need a picture. Spider mites will bring webbing and I think you need a scope to see them don't quote me on that thought! They might be Aphids, thrips..What color are they? I would definitely invest in some insecticidal soap, neem, or spinosad product, it will save you in the days...
  3. CaliSmokes

    Flowering day 41. I might fucked up I might not

    If this is your first grow we always do things to mess them up. But there comes a point when you should notice things are not going good and you should seek help. It seems lots of new growers do zero research and end up in this situation, not knowing something is terribly wrong. That setup is...
  4. CaliSmokes

    the beer thread

  5. CaliSmokes

    Can I mix Ocean Forest and Coco Loco?

    I'd go with just the ocean forest it's more than enough.
  6. CaliSmokes

    I fucked up

    Notice the new green growth coming out of the buds, these new leaves just started to grow last week, as the days increase new leaves will almost appear to twist and curl from the bud sites with explosive growth !
  7. CaliSmokes

    I fucked up

    How are they going to affect taste of final harvest if the plant goes back into veg? Thus starting the budding process all over again? Curious.
  8. CaliSmokes

    I fucked up

    New leaves would have grown from them. You just snipped off some good vigorous growth points.
  9. CaliSmokes

    Bagseed is flowering - noob needs advice

    That plant is not worth your time. Get another seed and start over. You need to get at least the basics before trying to grow or your results will be this.
  10. CaliSmokes


    Yes you want to squeeze the extra water out, after you soak them. They look way too wet.
  11. CaliSmokes

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Happy Easter to everyone !
  12. CaliSmokes

    I fucked up

    Don't cut the buds off, either supplement the light or leave them outside, depending on where you're located, they will go back into veg. It's about 13 hours now and will increase every day.
  13. CaliSmokes

    What is Racism?

    Well making a thread titled "what is racism" is a pretty dumb way to go about it. Racists are usually dumb as fuck though.
  14. CaliSmokes

    What is Racism?

    Did you pull this from controversial troll topics?
  15. CaliSmokes

    Dead republicans make me happy

    I ate too many tacos now my neighbors want to deport me.
  16. CaliSmokes

    My auto plants.

    They are searching for the water you have sitting at the bottom of the pot. Unless the plants rootbound it's no problem. They will air prune.
  17. CaliSmokes

    Calis Forgotten Garden

    Gophers again. Man I hate them. Oh well just popped some more stuff. Got some bigworm coming up.
  18. CaliSmokes

    What Shelves do your dispensaries have?

    Yes, I like to go in and grab something from every shelf they have. I find the private reserve usually is the best quality and price wise, but it really depends on which one you go to. There's a couple places with some really impressive medicine !
  19. CaliSmokes

    What Shelves do your dispensaries have?

    Can you believe in San Diego. I forgot to mention that in then original post. Yes 30 a gram, for exclusive shelf flower. Sad to see, "non-profit".
  20. CaliSmokes

    What Shelves do your dispensaries have?

    Just wanted to get a feel for what other areas are labeling their good-bad Cannabis. Since when did topshelf stop being the best? Down here it's House strain (usually dry and seeds) Mid shelf (house strain without seeds) Topshelf ( Usually dense, not very potent, dry) Private reserve (...