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  1. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    Yep Those trips are fun but its with my mom and not my friends so i would rather fly lol. Anyway Im out leaving right now im already late. Keep my girls in your prayers while im gone hopefully when i get back they will be alive and well!! Anyway Ill be back in 3-4 days to let you know how it...
  2. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    Hahaha ya that would be nice but im flying im not making a 14 hour drive.
  3. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    PLus rep to you to redhairs!!
  4. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    OK plus rep Crackerjax that is what i will do natural light cycle for 2 days cant hurt but so much. I wish i would of known about leaving town sooner so i could of taken care of this but my grandfather just had his cancer spread and i need to go visit him now before it gets to bad and he is way...
  5. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    i have a sheet over my mothership and a mini firdge on top and noone has ever asked they think its a dresser or something and i keep my closet door closed i rigged some good circulation and fans in their so the door can stay closed and not get to hot. I also have a deadbolt on my door for when...
  6. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    Ok my brother is the only one who knows about it and he just said he will be back in town monday so he can take care of them monday when he gets back. So really its tonight and tommorrow i have to worry about so mabye 2 days of darkness isnt that bad? Or mabye just leaving it out in natural...
  7. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    I do have a closet in my room but there is a 600 watt hps in there that stays on 24 hours straight i also have a big bc norhern lights mothership hydro grow box in my room. I dont have any other places in my room to setup the cfls i would have to do it out of my room and i dont want someone...
  8. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    I just dont have any other places to put it in to hide it from my roomates lol. My roomates wouldnt care im doing it but i try to tell NOONE. i have some cfls but no where to set them up
  9. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    Never lol well i would cut you down on some of my delicious Sour diesel thats about to be done if you come watch them for 3 days. Its no work at all just move it to a closet and watch the clones i just cut from the big buddah blue cheese and make sure they stay damp. Ill let you keep a clone to...
  10. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    So you think interupting their light cycle is better then leaving the res an extra 2-3 days? I change the res every 7 days and i changed it last sunday night so if i leave it till Tuesday it will only be 10 days. I feel like fing with their dark time and changing the res would be worse but i...
  11. llop1103

    strain review feedback please

    I have never heard of any of them. What seed bank did u order from. I would complain you probly ordered nice seeds and they sent you less expensive seeds that noone orders and they wanted to get rid of. I would call and bitch
  12. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    Ok good idea thats what i will do with the sunlight i have 10 timers lol thats not the problem i have Only 1 light that is on for 24 hours since there are other plants in veg under it. i could probly fit the plant in my mothership which is on 12/12 light cycle but my plant upstairs goes dark at...
  13. llop1103

    What is the BEST place to order seeds from

    attitude for sure u will have your order in 1 week def go with attitude
  14. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    Hahahaha that would def work as well either way however it happened she got her point across and he listened which is what needed to happen. Yo cracker check out my grow journal the link is in my sig i just posted a question on the last page and could use some help
  15. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    I dont think 3 days would take it out of flower by any means especially since its 6-7 weeks into flower and why would the dark harm it i know it wouldnt be good for it but can u tell me what it would do thats so bad that i shouldnt leave it dark for 3 days?
  16. llop1103

    guess how much longer...

    They look pretty well done to me as well i would say flush them for 1 week and then chop
  17. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    BUMP BUMP leaving in a couple hours need some advice so i can take care of this now before i leave
  18. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    Yep seems like she was really understanding in the issue and wants nothing but the best for all of them
  19. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    I have to leave at 4 today and go out of town for 3-4 days probly 3 so i will get back like tuesday. I do my res change every week on Sunday night. However i will not be in town Sunday night so do you guys think i should just let it be till tuesday when i get back or should i interupt their dark...
  20. llop1103

    Leaving for 3 days need advice.

    I am going out of town for 3 days. Ok so i am growing hydro and have a box that does everything itself so i know my ladies will be fine on their own for 3 days. However i have another little soil grow going on upstairs from some clones i cut off my girls in hydro. I have a 600 watt hps. Anyway i...