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  1. llop1103

    Best Hours 4~ HPS?

    You should really give them atleast 18 hours of light during the veg cycle. Its only 1 600 watt hps its not going to do anything crazy to your electric bill. It will probly use as much electricity as if you were to put another tv in your house. Not like your running 6 1000 watt lights. You...
  2. llop1103

    Best Hours 4~ HPS?

    One 600watt hps will not get hot enough for cops to detect its only one 600watt light if he had like 3-4 i would be worried but one light on a scanner can look like anything, it will just come up as a little heat spot as if he had like 2-4 lights it would be a big heat spot area that would come...
  3. llop1103

    Best Hours 4~ HPS?

    Its going to run your bill the same no matter when you have it on or turn it off its not like at night the 600watt light uses less wattage then during the day. Its a 600watt light it uses the same wattage no matter when you have it on. Keeping the plants under 18/6 instead of 24/0 lights will...
  4. llop1103

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    Yep just check to see if the crystals are cloudy or amber and harvest when they are one or the other depending on what affect u want from the smoke
  5. llop1103

    Best nutes i can get in the uk? or order something like fox farm off the web?

    You cant do organic in hydroponics?? Why are you saying the only reason for soil is for organic use? Hydroponics yes does turn out a better product and a higher yeild but soil is also alot easier if this is his first grow or he is still really new i would suggest soil to him. Hydro is not crazy...
  6. llop1103

    need help making a door +rep

    If you have no carpentry skills you probly wont have a good time framing a little fake wall up lol if its not stealth whats the problem with just having something hang there and not putting a wall or door up? just get some heavy duty cloth like even a drop cloth they use for paiting and staple...
  7. llop1103

    Best nutes i can get in the uk? or order something like fox farm off the web?

    Those are not the only organic nutes dude lol. There are tons of organic nutes. Just becasue your growing in soil doesnt mean you have to use organic either i dont see why u say if you dont use organic in soil you might as well do hydro. That statement doesnt make sense to me. Anyway there are...
  8. llop1103

    Best nutes i can get in the uk? or order something like fox farm off the web?

    I used fox farms for my last grow and honestly didnt like the outcome. I found it very easy to burn your plants with foxfarm and i didnt see an amazing outcome using them. I have now switched over to Advanced nutrients and love it. They are making my plants look so sexy and im growing big buddah...
  9. llop1103

    need help making a door +rep

    Cant see the pic. I would like to help but you need to post a bighger pic so i can try to help!!
  10. llop1103

    Sour Diesel = Me Being Way To High

    hahaha summed nice!! Faded here in Va is used when your on dope or some sort of opiates. Or jus really messed up and like nodding out lol
  11. llop1103

    Please help with plant

    For 8 weeks into flowering you have some skinny buds what kind of strain are your growing you might have like a 10-12 week flower time with that plant (which is what it looks like to me). Looks like your plant is done growing tall and you have some nice sized buds formed hopefully the next 2-3...
  12. llop1103

    Trimming, Manicuring, or whatever..

    I like to cut off all the fan leaves then hang to dry for 4 days the cut the rest of the leaves i can off without cutting the bud and then put all the bud in brown bags and put in a cool dark area to dry the rest of the bud out for like 1 week
  13. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Thanks for the info will be seeing if the rest of the gunk comes off by sunday if its not all off i will try rinsing it off if this does not work i will cut. Thanks for the help i think the old roots might pull through and be fine lets keep our fingers crossed!!
  14. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Thanks tatan i really appreciate the encouragement and nice words. I have been keeping the res temps down by adding water bottles that i put in the freezer into the res. Well they are gatorade bottles. I put one in right before lights go out and one in right when lights come on and my plants are...
  15. llop1103

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    Ya i have been waiting a little longer before i water my plants to or atleast in my soil grows and i find it helps alot. Good to know your getting some little things like thae watering and the nutes dialed in with the ladies becasue those little changes go a long way and your plants are looking...
  16. llop1103

    Lighting Position and Distance Question

    you challenge me to take a poll about people keeping their lights 3-4 feet away. If you read what i say, i said that you cant keep your lights closer then 3-4 feet away without them burning your plants unless you have an exhaust fan or ac unit or something else to keep the heat from the light...
  17. llop1103

    Lighting Position and Distance Question

    7,000 is not necessary. You need 3,000 to have a sucessful grow and 6,000 is plenty 4-5k lumens per square foot. Your should have no more than 6-8 plants max under a 600 watt light and thats pushing it i would suggest no more then 6 plants under each light and that is still alot. Pretty much you...
  18. llop1103

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    Ya so they have been flowering for 29 days then correct? Do you not count the time that you switch to 12/12 im pretty sure when you flip lights to 12/12 that starts your flowering time
  19. llop1103

    Please help white gunk on roots

    Thank you so much for the info that really helps i will be switching the res in 1-2 days i guess i will not cut the roots i will just add Sensi bloom A&B and a little sweet i will not use the superthrive magical or awsome blossom and see how it goes i will also add some hydrogen peroxide and...
  20. llop1103

    Please help white gunk on roots

    Thank you so much for the advice will def check into this!!