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  1. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Whats wrong with the plant you got going right now? Attitude seed bank is a really good seedbank that doesnt take to long to get seeds and they are very secure and private. I would suggest and reccomend this seedbank to anyone and everyone. They do great business. The big buddah blue cheese...
  2. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    You dont need all that stuff. The silver stuff he told you about is just some flexible ducting which if used with an exhaust fan will bring some hot air out of the tent and u canuse use another one and hook up an intake fan and this will bring in fresh air. Its not necessary tho. You are going...
  3. llop1103

    FIRST TIMER! What's your opinion on it?

    It sort of looks like all your plants are falling over. Is it just me looking at the picture wrong or almost all your plants leaning and falling over a lot?
  4. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    Thank you so much for the answer +rep to you
  5. llop1103

    flowering under cfls

    You should realy go buy a reflector not make one. Yees they are the little round things with clamps that may have came with your light. They should be a metal casing that goes around the top half of your light and this will direct like 90 percent of the light to the spot you have it shining at...
  6. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Well ya if you only have 2 feet of space in your box and your light takes up like 6 inches you should flower around 6-8 inches becasue it will outgrow your box if you dont. You also better hope its a female lol. That 25 watt cfl will not cut it. You need atleast 4 of those for that one plant or...
  7. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    Wouldnt it have been just as much work typing what it really means as it was to sit here and tell me to read a sticky, which by the way i did search and couldnt find the answer
  8. llop1103

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    everything looks sexy and 100% healthy keep up the good work!!
  9. llop1103

    Bud spots

    Never even heard of this till 4 days ago and i dont think i would ever do it with weed nor do i know anyone who has done it with weed. My friend suggested i do this with some opium he gave me. I heated up two knives on the stove i put a piece of opium on one of the knives and smushed it with the...
  10. llop1103

    flowering under cfls

    MMAStoner ur picture is bugging me out it looks like a big ass ripped dude beating the shit out of this poor little helpless pale ass kid lol. Thats not right!!
  11. llop1103

    need help making a door +rep

    Thanks for the rep let me know how it works out for you. It should be really easy to put up and do the job just fine. Good luck with the installation and the whole grow in general!!
  12. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Sorry i wrote a book lol your probly looking at it like what the hell i dont want to read all that but alot of the info is important to help you have a good snd secuessful first grow which i want you to have. I dont want you to have to go through all the bullshit i went through. Hopefully i...
  13. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    Anything anyone im so curious and its buggin me out lol its not that important i find out the answer but im so curious and its killing me lol
  14. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Just answer these few questions for me real qucik so i can better understand what you are looking to get out of this. How much weed would you like to get off this plant? How quick do you want to have this plant finished? What is the max hieght your plant can grow in that box (make sure you...
  15. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Wow thats alot of questions ima try my best to answer them all just let me know if i forget anything. Ok first off you should try to not have the perilite get in the res. You want to keep that res as clean and cool as physically possible. Do you have an airstone or air pump in the water making...
  16. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    Thats what i thoguth at first casue thats what happens by there name like if there online that circle is green and if there offline the circle by there name is blue but thats def not the case becasue these boxes never change colors there always the same and one this one guy left me a reputation...
  17. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    bump bump bump anyone know what the difference between the blue box and green box is, the box is at the beginning of where people leave you reputation
  18. llop1103

    Question about Reputation

    Ok so when people leave you reputation after you help them out or for whatever reason they want to leave it there is a little box. What does it mean when that little box is blue?? I have like 8 boxes from people leaving reps that are green and like 3 that are a blue color. What is the difference...
  19. llop1103

    flowering under cfls

    Holy batman cfls lol 9 cfls even with 7 of them being 26 watts is plenty. thats 278 watts of light for that 1 plant it should be just fine. Its looking great and healthy as well. Keep up the good work. Light reflectors would def put more light on the plant and when the plant starts forming buds...
  20. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Looking good so far hope you are secuessful on your first hydro grow. The best advice i can give you is to make sure you keep your water temps below 70 degress at all times. My first hydro i have battled root rot and algae and fungus becasue of the res temps being to high and light leak. So make...