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  1. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Oh ya there are pistils coming out from all over all 4 plants i saw the first sign of pistils like 5 days into flowering which i feel like is really early. Now there are pistils coming out of every budsite. Im hoping the plants grow atleast around 10 more inches before they stop growing and...
  2. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok guys a few updates for you. Res temps have been staying between 61-68.7 degress at all times. I will be switching the nutes tonight at 11:30 when the lights come on. I filled up 5 gallons of water and put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide (not alot at all) and Sensi Bloom A&B in the water. I...
  3. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    also if you can hook another airpump up to the air pump you have running i would suggest doing that. That airfilter is super small and even thought you only have 1 plant once those roots hit the res it will probly need more air than that 1 airstone is putting out. Just go spend 75 more cents and...
  4. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    Ya that plant food is really not going to do much for your plant. You really need some good nutes and that kit for success is like 40 or 60 bucks i cant remember might be 50 but it comes with everything and like 8 different bottles and i used it for my first grow and i had 7 plants and i didnt...
  5. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    You def have enough lighting dont worry about what there saying and yes its by the actual wattage not by what they are equivalent to. Your doing just fine cant wait to see some new pics
  6. llop1103

    2nd Grow, Greenhouse Indica H pack, The Church, Whiteberry, Blue Cheese

    Just went through your whole thread and the grow looks amazing man good job. I got some big buddah blue cheese clones from a friend and let them veg till about 8-10 inches and now they just started there 3rd week of flower. I hope they turn out to look like your Blue Cheese. Give me a smoke...
  7. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    I wish i would of gone back and read your first post before i wrote all that lol i see now your have an airpump and airstones. Ok now the part about the pot. We have def caught this problem really early becasue the plant is so small and will take atleast 1-2 more weeks before the roots make...
  8. llop1103

    My first time at growing using a bubbleponic system i made

    So far All the plants are looking super healthy. Do you have airstones or an airpump running in your hydro bucket? You absolutly need something in the producing bubbles. Without the bubbles the water does not get oyogynated and the plant will drown since there is no air for the roots to breath...
  9. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    Looks good im subscribed and am here to help with any questions you may have. I have had 4 successful soil grows which all turned out good. My current grow is hydro, which is my first hydro grow ever. Im trying hydro out this go around as the yeilds are suppose to be 30% bigger and the overall...
  10. llop1103

    I must be stupid HELLP!

    just copy and paste the link in the box you can only have up to 300 characters and 3 lines so if your trying to put it in your sig with the other stuff you already have in there it probly takes up more than 3 lines and will not allow you to put it in there. You will have to delete some stuff you...
  11. llop1103

    I must be stupid HELLP!

    You already have stuff for your signature so you have already done it once how do you not know how to do it? Or is it being difficult and not letting you or something?
  12. llop1103

    I must be stupid HELLP!

    Click on my roll it up on the left side where it says "Your Control Panel" go down to the third option thats highlighted black that says "settings and options" then go to the second option that says "edit signature" and click it there should be a big box thats empty or has whatever your sig is...
  13. llop1103

    Boriboi: Nirvana Fem AI Scrog&Dwc

    Lookin good so far Goodluck!!
  14. llop1103


    You dont want to upload a photo from a url you want to click browse next the the box's that say upload from your computer
  15. llop1103


    Ask you for a url? just download the pics to your desktop click on go advanced right below this quick reply box click on on the manage uploads button the click browse next to the empty little colum box and it should show all files on your desktop or gives you the option to click desktop to see...
  16. llop1103


    Go order then from attitude seed bank its in my opinion the best seed bank it has tons of award wining seeds it is pretty fairly priced and best of all it is super secure and private so ordering them with a credit card is not a problem you have nothing to worry about. If i were you since you are...
  17. llop1103

    FIRST TIMER! What's your opinion on it?

    Hahaha thats funny i was going to tell you that you need to tie them up so they dont just fall over like that but now that i know you did it on purpose becasue you had space issues i know that you cant tie them up or esle they would be to big lol. How far are you into flowering? It might not be...
  18. llop1103


    Do you have any other plants or just those 2? If you have other plants you better get those males out of there asap and not keep them around casue you dont want to throw them away or all your weed is going to turn out horrible with alot of seeds
  19. llop1103


    LOL nope it sucks but its time to throw those things in the trash and start over. This time buy some feminized seeds so you dont have a problem with the sex of your plant.
  20. llop1103

    + rep yellow spot on main cola pic need help + REP

    If you let it dry out it might be useless now. The worst thing to do for those is let them dry out. Also you asked how you can have a deficiency when your using the full general hydropoincs line. You can still get defiencies regardless of using all the nutes needed even if using a whole line...