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  1. llop1103

    Started with flowering clones in DWC.....

    Ok first off that clone you bought was a lost casue. He gave you a small clone with spider mites and mold all over it. That green all over the top of the rockwool was mold. You are suppose to keep the rockwool covered when you are cloning plants becasue of the high humidity the rockwool is...
  2. llop1103

    This Is What I Did!!!

    How did the BBBC turn out?? IM growing some BBBC right now. My grow journal is in my thread if you want to check it out and give me some advice. How tall did you elt the BBBC get before you sent them into flower? How tall where they when you chopped? What was the average yeild off each plant? IM...
  3. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Feel free to make any comments on if im doing anything wrong, if i can be doing anything better, if im doing anything right lol, or just ANY comments you may have on my grow. Dont be shy!!
  4. llop1103

    need new grow advice

    AS the person above me stated make sure the shipping isnt to much. Alot of these places will put out a great deal like that but then but rape you on the shipping trying to charge you like 200 bucks lol. How much is the shipping? Make sure its not to high and then i would also suggest to go with...
  5. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    If the seeds didnt germinate i dont know if they will. Who knows they might of just not popped becasue they didnt like the conditions. If some dont pop in the jiffy pellets it wouldnt hurt to take them out and do the paper towel method with them. Worst thing that happens is they dont pop again...
  6. llop1103

    high temps 85ish and low humidity two weeks old tommorow

    You dont need high humidity right now. They have already roots and they are growing humidity doesnt have to be super high right now. 30% is fine for them. Also 85 is not to terrible. You need to raise that light up further than 12 inches. a 600 watt light will def burn those babies thats why...
  7. llop1103

    Humidity/temp experts help! +rep

    The temps are fine 61 is getting low but not to low by any means. If anything the low temps will just bring out some color in the plant!! 80 is not to high either. Your temps seem just about perfect. However the humidity is def a problem. You should really try and keep your humidty below 40%...
  8. llop1103

    is she ready to harvest?

    Oh ya i hope you didnt bring that plant in from outside and bring it in around other plants. If so i suggest moving it away from your other plants (if you have anymore)immediatly so they dont get bug infested as well. If its not around any other plants than your in the clear lol. I cant really...
  9. llop1103

    is she ready to harvest?

    hahaha look you can see two bugs on the right side of the plant on the top leaves in the 2nd picture. Neither poster is right or wrong. The first poster is right about the trichs they should not be clear they should be mostly cloudy with some an amber color. The second poster says one week but...
  10. llop1103

    need new grow advice

    I just skimmed through it and read the majority but not every single little thing. It seems like a pretty good deal to me. Its not the BEST system as it says but it is not a bad one. Your pretty much paying for what your getting plus a few extras. They dont specify the brand of the ballast and...
  11. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    These are my two plants on the right side(my Best two)
  12. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Ok guys so were on day 16 flower Sorry it took me longer to post these pics then i thought but the site was down and i just forgot to post pics. Overall the plants are looking great and the roots are better then ever. Only bad thing is i am dissapointed with the size as i dont think they will be...
  13. llop1103

    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    I would also suggest the paper towel method as stated above but i never put mine by any light i just put it in a paper towel and then in a glad tuberware container (plastic bag will work just the same) then i just throw it in a dark cabinet. The seed has no need for any light since there are no...
  14. llop1103

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Damn that really sucks i was trying to get the highest potential yeild possible. I am about to post some pics of them right now but since you have grown in the box before can you still get a good yeild from your plants being 16-17 inches tall?? I tied them down at the beggining and looked liked...
  15. llop1103

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese

    Im growing some BBBC now got 4 plants going my grow journal is in my thread. Quick question about them how much do they stretch the first month of flowering? Mine have not been growing that much and im hoping to get a good yeild off these but if there not going to strecth i dont know how much...
  16. llop1103

    1 Month Old

    ya whats an hg light? you should be using a mh/hps/cfl/or normal flourescents and nothing but one of those 4
  17. llop1103

    Super Closet - 1st Grow BIG BUDDHA Blue Cheese Feminized

    LOL this thread has me cracking up. I cant believe noone jumped in and told you to chill out. Your the one killing all those plants. People told you numerous times not to water alot and you kept saying in your posts how you couldnt resist and had to water. LOL you kept drowning your plants. Also...
  18. llop1103

    1 Month Old

    Looks good mabye a little to much stretching going on i would put the light closer if u can
  19. llop1103

    1st time grower with quite a few questions.

    its already in rockwool lol put it in soil whenever u want
  20. llop1103

    help with sexing :-?

    that one looks like a female i thought i saw some white hairs or pistils. however plants do not really show there sex untill you change the lights to 12/12 then after a few days or up to 2 weeks they will show there sex.