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  1. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Now in retrospect I think my leaf dis- coloring is a PH issue. I wasn't ph'ing the water after my nutes were mixed in. I've corrected that now. I'll see if that helps
  2. genna_mj

    Will my buds swell up some more?

    At what point do you add your bone extracts? How do you get them into your soil? How much do you add in?
  3. genna_mj

    Run fan/filter during lights out?

    Currently in my flowering room when the lights go out, my intake, outtake fans, general over the top of the plants fan and filter turn off as well. I don't have an odor issue and my temps stay around 70 so I never thought to leave them on at "night". Is there any benefit of leaving them on...
  4. genna_mj

    Cal-mag issue?

    i think that's what the pic I'm adding is showing. I'm at 6 weeks of veg, and about 5 days ago I noticed this. I'm 3 weeks into flowering with the fox farm trio. And didn't know until last week that this trio affects the plants when it comes to cal-mag. I dosed all of my plants with lime this...
  5. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    I posted one pic a little ways up of a current leaf issue I'm having on my two younger plants (6 weeks of veg just about, 3 weeks of nutes) that I'm thinking is a cal-mag issue and I dosed everyone with lime today. Otherwise my other 3 plants that went into flower 2 weeks ago are green and...
  6. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    They really didn't' and I did get a half oz. off of one of them. It was more just an overall lack of yield. But otherwise they stayed green and healthy until the last 3 weeks or so right before harvest.
  7. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    This is what is going on with a few of the leaves on both of my younger plants that are in week 3 of nutes. I'm thinking its a cal-mag issue as it seems different from just the yellowing of bottom leaves. I added a few tablespoons of water dissolved lime this morning.
  8. genna_mj

    Fox Farm Trio users

    Happy frog during seedling, ocean forest for rest
  9. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Taco - I saw in another post that you recommend using Dolomite Lime to help with mag deficiencies. I think I'm starting to see it in two younger plants that are 3 weeks into nutes. I'll post a pic tomorrow when the lights are on. I know I need to add it either way, but what is your suggestion...
  10. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Taco, are you an indoor soil grower? What size pot so they end up in? This is a revelation to me
  11. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    I'll get some pics taken after the weekend
  12. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    I just have fans in the veg room but the doors of the room are open all day into a bigger room so there is a lot of air movement. The HPS is brand new and because of the good air exchange in that room I can keep the plants around 9" away with no heat stress. I never have them further away than...
  13. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    So solo cup to 3 gallon, finish out 6-8 weeks of veg and then put under the flowering Hps?? And the soil wouldn't be depleted because I'm on a good nutes schedule? Anything else you recommend adding to the soil to help with keeping it rich?
  14. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Going from a solo cup to a 3 gallon seems like a rough transplant and against most of what I've read.
  15. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Thanks for all of your help TacoMac!! I'm trying to stay on a precise nutrient schedule now. My oldest in flowering (went under the hps on Aug 19th) is showing a lot of claw from the soil during the new pot transfer right before flowering. It's just fox farms ocean forest and I think the lack of...
  16. genna_mj

    Fox Farm Trio users

    My plants tend to suffer from "the claw" but I'm working on improving my nutrient use. After switching over to flowering do you use any of the "grow big" part of the trio, or only Tiger Bloom? The feeding schedule they provide sucks and there's a lot of trial and error involved
  17. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Besides obvious deficiencies showing on the leaves, are there any other signs that the plants can take more nutes?
  18. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    People keep saying : give your plants what they need when it comes to nutes. So basically am I just makin sure the leaves stay uniformly green and making sure I don't see deficiencies or any evidence of too many nutes?? I was lucky on my last grow that I didn't have to deal with deficiencies or...
  19. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Re: tap water. Yes the distilled water has been a pain. I do have ph tester but even if that's right on my tap water isn't there a bunch of other harmful junk in there? A few times during the grow I would notice some yellowing leaves during veg and try and administer a little nutes but even...
  20. genna_mj

    Need Help with Yields

    Like I said above, without nutes I still had really healthy plants. Sugar leaves were all green at harvest and the leaves on the whole plant were yellowing from the bottom just like I read is pretty standard. They did get some enrichment from the fox farm soil. I harvested at about 11 weeks from...