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  1. S

    how much longer do you think????

    Let me clarify that I am nothin but a newbie that has read tons of material here. Let me refer you to this. Good Luck!
  2. S

    how much longer do you think????

    I think you should not wait til Sunday to flush. 2 weeks flush should clear it all out. What color are your trychs?
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    another guess my yield thread!

    3lbs 6 oz. is my guess. Looks like 3 1/2 gallon zip lock bags, hopefully well dried and cured.
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    Design input please

    How safe is safe? Could a forensic popo track a computer to a small town and bust a fella who might be growin 60 at a time? Better safe than sorry!
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    Design input please

    OK. Suppose a guy has an expensive closet system that grows 11 plants on the big side and 11 plants on the small side over a veggie room. Suppose that guy knows that dependant upon the strain can have a harvest every 30-45 days of 11 mature 4 foot plants. Now if he wants to duplicate that on a...
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    Wife Wants A Divorce For Smoking and Growing Weed!!!!

    Who do you love more? Your wife, or your mistress, MJ? Nobody here can make that decision for you. I am sorry for your pain, but man up and make the choice.
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    Male or female

    I'd give it a week. I had one that looked like that and over the weekend got new leaves from what I thought were balls. They are not going to pollinate this soon anyway so what's another 7 days?
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    When to veg?

    Since they are not horizontally challenged, have you thought about tying the tops down?
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    buying perscription pills online

    Canadien Pharmacy. Do a search on the net. Some pills come from India though. Haven't had a problem.
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    Quick Question

    I actually electroplate coins for fun. Usually I electroplate (gold plate) Quarters, Nickles, Dimes, 50 cent pieces, and silver Dollars. I was interested in the penny. When I process a coin I first strip the plating off of it using electricity and chrome stripping solution, then apply Nickle...
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    New girlfriend upset and I am just lost!... Help me?

    I can block specific numbers with Verizon. Is the cell phone the only way you kids communicate these days? I am 43 and my girlfiend just turned 22, so I know about you and your phones lol! You talked for 4 hours about your deepest darkest secrets and you have no idea where she lives or hangs...
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    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    Somebody once told me fishing line makes a good fence. One strand at about 12 inches and one about 3 feet. Good luck on the grow bro.
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    Money Laundering

    You can deposit up to $9,999.00 per day without having to fill out the form. Of course, that's $30,000.00 per month, better be able to back it up with a heck of a job.... Might try to buy some real estate off of an investor. Say you find a listing for a house by owner for $50,000.00 Offer him...
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    Some idiot doesn't know how to use a timer.

    Here are pics.
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    Some idiot doesn't know how to use a timer.

    Thank you all for the advice, it is much appreciated!
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    Some idiot doesn't know how to use a timer.

    I think I may have a problem. I thought I changed my timer to 12/12 14 days ago. Just found out that the switch wasn't on and so they have spent the last two weeks under 24 hours of wattage. They have practically grown into the light. Is it going to kill them to be stuck in the small space? Will...
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    Virgin Grower

    Sorry, I meant to turn pic 4. Don't wanna hurt your neck lol! 6 were cloned in early February, the other 5 were raised from seed. The clones are potent stuff, the seedlings are just regular stuff. That said, the seedlings are twice the size of the clones. Seems to grow much faster, so I don't...
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    Virgin Grower

    I thought I would share what is going on in my world and ask for input. I had no idea that 2 weeks after changing light to 12/12 that they would triple in size. Heck, I am so new to this that I cannot tell if they are flowering or not. It has been 14 days since the 12/12 change. Can anyone give...
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    Do I have a mess, or not? Need help?

    Wow! I am impressed! Answers from the two guys I was hoping to hear from. Thank you very much.
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    Do I have a mess, or not? Need help?

    1st post, after reading a gazillion pages. There is a wealth of knowlege here. I have a Trinty Closet system, cost me $5,000.00 and after coming here I see you live and learn but..... Problem #1. I can't clone. I have a humidity dome. I grow in Rockwool. I keep getting stem rot. I am...