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  1. S

    Its getting to HOT !!

    Might swith your lights from being on during the day, to at night when the air is cooler. Also might vent the air out of the garage..... like a dryer hose. Lights put off a lot of heat.
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    Has Anyone Ever Used a Laundry Machine to CLean their Hydroton After Grow?

    What is this, an operating room? Lol! I wash mine in a 5 gallon bucket and go. After a grow, couple of hours in bleach, then overnight in plain ol water and ready to go.
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    transplanting in rockwool question

    In my opinion you need to transplant the 2 inch cubes to 4 or 6 inch blocks. Mine are six. I would think that if you leave them in the 2 inch, you are basically trying to do a deep water cultivation. My six inch blocks are watered every 15 minutes for 12 hour per day.
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    Simple Game...

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    Plants sleep so which is best

    If I recall, us fat fuckin yanks kicked your ass some 230 years ago lol!
  6. S

    "CLONES" help advice and info open to all

    I have and do cut both with equal success and failure. When I am cutting 16 at a time, I am not picky on size as I am typically taking from 3 "mothers" or whatever is vegging at the time. I probably have a 90% success rate. I suppose if I washed my hands to get the nicotine off, or quit being a...
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    Simple Game...

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    Design input please

    bump please.
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    Do you prefer a heady high, a couchlock high, or a combo?

    Bump. Nobody has a preference?
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    Plants sleep so which is best

    RIU has been VERY helpful to me. Then again, I don't bite the hand that feeds. You got many answers that said what you described might be interesting, but in the best interest of the plant, it was best not to mess with it. You remind me of a.... well, my 4 year old that takes an answer and keeps...
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    EBB N FLOW QUESTION? +rep for help!

    Hydroton under 6"x6"x6" rockwool cubes. I don't know the gph of the pump, but am not sure it matters a lot. It is a pond pump. I imagine 400 gph would do it. It fills to an overflow then drains.
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    EBB N FLOW QUESTION? +rep for help!

    Mine are set 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off for the entire time the lights are on, either 18/6 or 12/12. I grow in Rockwool.
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    Plants sleep so which is best

    You need to add more nutrients! Superthrive is like Cialis for plants. If it still goes limp, then try a double dose. Limpness.... Is your grow in a sealed system? Is the intake fan anywhere near a smoking area? There has to be an external source to your limpness. Remember that nicotine is...
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    Simple Game...

    Ooooohhhhhh OOOOhhhhhhh! Breasteses! I mean BOOBS!
  15. S

    "CLONES" help advice and info open to all

    I had that problem. I solved it with advice from others to A- cover with humidity dome, B-never squeze rockwool or it cannot hold air, and C- I condition the rockwool and let it dry, then just do a quick dip when inserting a cutting. Also, you only need to mist (1 or 2 sprays from a bottle) 1 -...
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    Newbies please read this ultra important information!!!!!

    I thank you. I have this fancy closet thing $5,000.00. I have 10 in 3rd week of flower. I have a fancy carbon filter. The odorless, soundless closet is in a room in a warehouse. I walk into the warehouse.... no smell.... Walk up to the room.... no smell, but I can hear the fans and ballast...
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    Simple Game...

  18. S

    "CLONES" help advice and info open to all

    I grow hydro and have had issues, but seem to have them solved. I have a cloner that you could make out of a rubbermaid box. It has 17 holes which hold 3 inch net cups. In the bottom of these is some hydroton rock. I use 1 1/2 inch rockwool. My secret is to not soak these but dip them in the...
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    Do you prefer a heady high, a couchlock high, or a combo?

    In my area, you don't have choices like that unless you want to pay $80.00 an 1/8th. Lot of junk, seedy indica. Growers who either don't know what they are doing or just don't care. Thanks for voting and giving input.
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    Do you prefer a heady high, a couchlock high, or a combo?

    Been reading a LOT here and know (think I know) that Indica is more of a couchlock high and that a Sativa is more of a cerebral high or "heady" high. I don't smoke the stuff myself, but times are tough, my girlfriend and all her friends smoke, and the local mid stuff is junk, full of seeds, weak...