I've had good success with a small clone dome for like $15 at the local hydro store and a $24 dollar heat mat by hydrofarm. Never had a failure. step 1 cut the clipping from the mama flush not at an angle. step2 clip any larger fan leaves in half to stimulate rooting. step3 scrap the end of the clipping with a clean razor not actualy cutting but softly removing the outer layers of the stems skin. Step4 cut the clipping with the same razor at a 45 degree angle not smashing the stem.step5 roll it arund in some rooting gel i use clonex and smack it into the 2x2 rockwool cube and put her in the dome with flourescent lighting 24hrs for about a week and a half . just lift the media tray and look for roots poking through the flow holes. check out the clone stuff they have online or if possible a hydro store. oh yeah you can use a real light nuetrinet solution at like 200 for watering. and just keep water in the tray barely touching the cubes.