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  1. growin miguel

    New grower outood with bag seed

    when do i take the milk container off?
  2. growin miguel

    New grower outood with bag seed

    um ok a little unorthadox but sure i wont have to worry about animals except for my cat and dog that occasionally go outside. just take the milk carton off when its got a good stem gowing?
  3. growin miguel

    New grower outood with bag seed

    and when should i take the milk thing off? and it can still be outside right?
  4. growin miguel

    New grower outood with bag seed

    i cant really have a good setup indoors so outdoors is like my only choice will they still root well? if not how can i make them root with fertalizer or some kind of chemical enchancer? and i dont really have the money for a lamp or any kind of indoor apperatus
  5. growin miguel

    New grower outood with bag seed

    im really new to this but from what info ive gathered from this site and other vids im doing pretty good so far. i have 6 viable bag seeds and i germinated 3 for a day and a half and planted them outdoors. the other three are still germin in a plastic bag in a napkin on my cable box (for...
  6. growin miguel

    Little bit about myself

    u are a wise man... i now have respect for you +rep points
  7. growin miguel

    Little bit about myself

    didnt really think bout that thanks bro
  8. growin miguel

    Little bit about myself

    i recently moved to houston texas( great for outdoor growing) and im really likin it out here except the weather. i work at bestbuy and have a great time coming to work blazed uno cuz theres lots of pretty buttons and cool gadgets to play with. i just started to germ my newly found seeds and its...
  9. growin miguel

    Texas Growers Unite!

    when i get around to it but im lookin at some prtty good bud i topped them and are now growing beutifully all this bud from askin a friend for some FREE seeds peace
  10. growin miguel

    Texas Growers Unite!

    my bag seeds are growin prtty good so im not complaining haha peace
  11. growin miguel

    Texas Growers Unite!

    does shwag grow this time of year and if so how good/or bad
  12. growin miguel

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    do i have to do anything else im kinda new so any tips? im just germin them right now