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  1. OnSolomonsGrave

    Bush on Georgian aid....yes!

    It has been signed for days, Russia still has a treaty with the people of SouthOssetia , and even after they signed it, they still have troops there as far as I know.
  2. OnSolomonsGrave

    Bush on Georgian aid....yes!

    it's going to be terrible earthly, I foresee many tragic events on the horizon.
  3. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    The plant makes it, much like your body converts what you eat to energy, skin, blood, and hair.
  4. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    seeds don't have THC
  5. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    I am just trying to give you honest advice, If you don't want to hear it I am sorry, I am just trying to save you a bad headache.
  6. OnSolomonsGrave

    Seedlings turn brown and curling

    just use the method I told you it will get them exactly where you want em, but you are going to have to move em as the plant grows prolly daily in fact.
  7. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    I am afraid that if you cannot bring those inside there is almost a 0% chance of survival, and the leaves would only give you a headache.
  8. OnSolomonsGrave

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    Oh Fdd, no one ever meant to disrespect you. Everyone here has the ugh most respect for everything you have done. And we all feel for you, I am sorry if we offended.
  9. OnSolomonsGrave

    Filtered water for less

    I fucking hate opium, they can give us it in pill form, but I can't smoke a joint ,gimme a fucking break.
  10. OnSolomonsGrave

    Seedlings turn brown and curling

    a good test is put the back of your hand under the light, move it until you can feel the heat building on your hand, thats how close the plants should be.
  11. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    Nah man you can do it for under 100, unless it need to be that stealth for issues I do not know.
  12. OnSolomonsGrave

    Filtered water for less

    That and a fat bowl with hash on top to keep the world spinning sea.
  13. OnSolomonsGrave

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    I have a horsey tail and a saddle.
  14. OnSolomonsGrave

    Filtered water for less

    Meh just get a RO unit and be done with it. Give him some good loving he won't even know what a fucking MR clean car wash filter is.
  15. OnSolomonsGrave

    Ordered from the Doc

    Live in the midwest, ordered over 200 dollars worth of seeds from the doc got em all within a week. Ordered 90 dollar subcool genetics from BCbuddepot, they never sent em. Paid like 60 or so for 2 sets of 10 from gypsy nirvana boutique got em but not sure how long it took it wasn't over 3 weeks...
  16. OnSolomonsGrave

    Filtered water for less

    Thats the one thing I hate about this thing Sea, but for 2 bucks a filter if you get more then 2 gallons at least it's better then the store lol.
  17. OnSolomonsGrave

    Bigfoot's Body Found?

    clearly some type of alien cloaking device.
  18. OnSolomonsGrave

    Filtered water for less

    straight out of the unit I was getting around 6.8 6.9 with a ppm of literally 0.