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  1. OnSolomonsGrave

    A single calyx with a single pistil at every internode..

    aye Zeke totally agree, I thought i remembered reading about a mom, but it was just a hermi mom, not a clone mom.
  2. OnSolomonsGrave

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Looking like some bare bones down there, gonna give you some sick upper cola's. Smoke on :blsmoke:
  3. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    Actually Chiceh, A lot of the new breeders put outdoor end flowering times on their packs now. So if he got a breeder pack it prolly does have those instructions on it , which is super misleading ESP to new growers.
  4. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    I'm no Salmon, no just kidding maybe I am. kiss-ass
  5. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    Well, the problem you are going to run into is the fact the light cycle outside is making them flower now, so you have 2 options, let em stay outside when it gets down to into the 50's consistently you are going to have to pull em in and put em under some lights on a 12/12 schedule and finish em...
  6. OnSolomonsGrave

    Seedlings turn brown and curling

    Get in closer, but from what I see they look fine man.
  7. OnSolomonsGrave

    Bigfoot's Body Found?

    As much as I personally wanted it to be I am going to call hoax. ALL the shit they promised, not 1 shred of evidence other then the same fucking blurry pics, what schmucks... I wish the real big foot would anal rape em.
  8. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    that would be assuming you planted at the start of the growing season which is around late may early june, depending on the part of the country you reside in. Thats if you wanted huge plants, you could always start half way through but your plants wouldn't be as big, I am afraid this late in the...
  9. OnSolomonsGrave

    How tall do AK48 and White Widow get?

    READ THE GROWFAQ please.
  10. OnSolomonsGrave

    The Best

    He is talking about that trash they sell on the intraweb, the fake weed.
  11. OnSolomonsGrave

    A single calyx with a single pistil at every internode..

    Thought the same thing, but he seems to know whats going on, and it's a clone ( I think ) so it should be sexually mature.
  12. OnSolomonsGrave

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    I have a few cath sets around the house, and let me tell you they do not look nice to just look at, let alone jam up my urethra. Sometimes having a nurse for a wife is not all it's cracked up to be, I find the most random scary things around my house, and the stories good lord.
  13. OnSolomonsGrave

    Can't catch a break

    thats a fucking shame, I have had 0 problems with chrons seeds, but you are going to have to realize they aren't "his" seeds, he gets em from breeders, so if the seeds got to you but were bad I would let him know. Saw some people post in Chimeras thread about some bad Floss seeds, he sent me...
  14. OnSolomonsGrave

    marijuana Seeds

    Nirvana is a nice cheap site to get seeds from for a few grows, I would switch to some higher end genetics once I got my shit down though. Not that nirvanas are bad, there are just better.
  15. OnSolomonsGrave

    Did i kill it?!.

    I have had plenty of plants, lie on the soil as long as it's leaves are all nice and perky and they are facing up you are fine.
  16. OnSolomonsGrave

    WidowCindy Multiple 400W Soil

    Gonna be bumping em up to 225 with the next watering, they have about 1.5 more weeks of veg then I will flip.
  17. OnSolomonsGrave

    WidowCindy Multiple 400W Soil

    PPM's last feeding were 125 from 0 with Grow Big Ph'd to 6.8.
  18. OnSolomonsGrave

    Did i kill it?!.

    your plant is fine.
  19. OnSolomonsGrave

    Help me Diagnose

    I guess I will just bump the ppm next watering.
  20. OnSolomonsGrave

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    guessing you never had a cath eh twisty? :twisted: