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  1. allybam

    nearly 4 weeks...lower leaves a bit yellow

    "Pumping" is when you use more waterings to make the plants grow faster. This is dangerous if you proceed in a reckless manner, due to potential over-watering problems. You must go slowly and watch the plants daily at first to be sure your not over-watering the plants. Use weaker plant food...
  2. allybam

    Help on growing in the UK

    m8 its a crazy idea doin it in a tree but hey its up off the ground so itll be further away from pests that would only be really on the ground n if ya got 1 were ya ya could stick a big pot up in it and there was no path ways crossing that side of the tree so no1 would be able ta see it n...
  3. allybam

    i reused my dirt!

    ive thought about it myself but come on guys $40 every 3 ta 4 months were ya living in a tin shack surely ya cant be that skint lol
  4. allybam

    nearly 4 weeks...lower leaves a bit yellow

    usualy comes out brown hhmmm I use biobizz range and it turns the water brown as soon as i add it to the water and thats only usein half the recomended n 4 weeks old n still in them we pots I agree with the others when they say change ur pots asap cause thats wat ur problem is nothing ta do with...
  5. allybam

    if only i knew

    they be some tastey lookin balls llf
  6. allybam

    if only i knew

    24 on 0 off hmm i wouldnt do it i use 18 hour cycle every thing needs to sleep fer a while. M8y try some rootjuice next time they lookin very small for 12 weeks veg i use biobizz range ya should give it a go its fully organic and again get the rootjuice its plant steroids n it makes em grow like...
  7. allybam

    Marijuana Seeds

    Nirvana all the way ive ordered a few times now and they delivered every time pretty quikly and i even got a wrist wallet thingy :) as fer the usa shit 1 living there by the sounds of it but in my thought would be if ya have a trust worthy friend in europe get them ta order them for ya and get...
  8. allybam


    yes m8y some hermies will produce only a few pollen sacks thta can end up being engulfed by the but so thats best case scenario but its better to be safe than sorry so id kill the bastard uve no shortage of plants so it would b pretty shit if ya kept it n ur fan spread the poisionous pollen all...
  9. allybam

    is this site narc free?

    go u ffs i planted 14 n got 4 females i hate u :finger: lol jkjk
  10. allybam

    WTF leaves turned upside down!!

    m8y thats happining to 1 off my plants n im the same deff no light leaks cause when lights went out i jumped into the grow room and not 1 bit of light all my plants are on the same feeding regime and are all of the same strain but the plants growin brilliant its just a few leaves have went loko...
  11. allybam

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    garden knowm like the plants some fat ass buds but the weights after they all dry im sorry but i dont think dry u would b getting the same amount of onces maybe if ya were to add the stems it might get close or weigh them wet but no not dry n we bud only and again very nice lookin harvest aff...
  12. allybam

    plugging a timer into an extension cord, into a surge protecter?

    :dunce:guys i keep seeing things about 15 amp timers all ive been able to get is 13 amp reistive load and 2 amp inductive ive bought a few cheaper 1s n they keep fuseing on me so the 1 above i bought is the same as a diff 1 i have that hasnt fused on but im still dodgey about it blowing so see...
  13. allybam

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    y manicure if hes sellin it the more weight from them we leaves the more money he will make and them we leaves on it are bound ta be nice n covered in crystal so dont manacure m8 thats an extra few grams which will make ye an extra few quid
  14. allybam

    Bermese double root

    any new pics of it or it die m8?
  15. allybam

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    It is 3n1/2 grams 1/4 is 7 grams half o is 14 g and an 0 is 28 :eyesmoke:
  16. allybam

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    Its an ok grow m8 but its nothing i would shout about saying that its not a shit grow but not good either but its deff an ok grow :clap:
  17. allybam

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    well if thats how a shite grower takes advice then ill leave yas to keep givein the thumbs up for crap grows rather than givein usefull advice!
  18. allybam

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    i wasnt meaning to run any 1s grow down but some of the response to ppls grows are full of shit if u arent gona be honest when theres a shit grow n give constructive critisism hows any1 meant to learn and improve do i or dont i have a point here???
  19. allybam

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    m8 ive trawled the forums n cant find an awnser so ill ask u! See if you pot a plant in a pot and dont fill it right up with soil and then when it stretchs enough to fill it near the rim and not covering the lower side branch's what effect does it have good or bad because im covering about 3...
  20. allybam

    invasion of white fuzz

    the best way ive ever gotin rid aff the fungus is by keepin a close eye on em n try n let em dry out as much as possable but then again i only had ta dry out the soils surface to get rid off it but if ya can get a spray that will do it thats even better n good luck with the grow m8y