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  1. allybam

    Meat in the mix

    Always thought useing meat mixed soil would been better than the normal soil, as i seen a dead bird laying on the grass after a while going to and from work i noticed as it decayed that the grass were the dead bird was laying was easy 3-4 times taller than that of the rest of the grass around...
  2. allybam

    Nirvana Raspberry cough and haze #1

    Yes indeed i agree with the other guy your an idiot and cant grow shit and at week 6 of flowering you just killed n binned them damn you must be really crap at growing or a complete tard to throw away a plant at 6 weeks flowering
  3. allybam

    Growing Upside down ( light no the ground ) like top

    no i said space not on other planets wtf ya think led lighting was designed for growing weed ffs it was designed to use in space low energy consuption n long life and yes they were growing wheat i think on the current space station and the previous 1 not tons but enough for there experiments...
  4. allybam

    Growing Upside down ( light no the ground ) like top

    Ive been thinking about doing this and thought maybe remove the hood from the light and grow plants from the floor as normal and hang the planters from the ceiling and then just hang the light inbetween each, so in theory you could double your grow area and lets face it a reflector isnt a major...
  5. allybam

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Dont no about salt but get some limestone and put it into the box or wherever your drying ur bud obviously not touching it and thatll help suck the mosture outa em plus should help stop mold aswell :)
  6. allybam

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Bio Bizz is great for orgamic food but tbh when i switched from b'cuzz to bio bizz the drop in yeild was major and on that note smokin is as unhealthy as it gets so screw organics in my mind yea tastes better but smokins rank anyway so why not just go manmade n get a better yeild just my outlook...
  7. allybam

    The UK Growers Thread!

    stoned was that comment ment for me lol :) so 80 litre ill have a tree rather than a shrub?
  8. allybam

    Reptillians Rule the world

    evil buddy the dinasours were around fer billions of years so yea i do beleave that they prob got smart and left this planet if we can get into space in 200,000 years then why wouldnt they in billions but as far as trying to take over the world if they were around fer that long why bother...
  9. allybam

    Reptillians Rule the world

    Wordz are you mad m8 have you never seen them on tv theres this documentry called v the reptiles already are here and they walk amongest us ooooo lmfao;)
  10. allybam


    Ok here we go ive posted this elsewere but think it was in wrong place so ill do it here is there any benifit from growing in an 80 litre 3 n 1/2 foot deep bin compared to growing in a smaller bucket say 1 foot deep 20 litres or would the roots only grow down so far anyway googled the hell outa...
  11. allybam

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Post about whatever ok here goes in dwc is the deeper the bucket better and dont reply yea cause it means ya water less plz i want an awnser with some weight behind it i wanna no does it make a diff if i use a 1 foot deep 20 litre bucket and veg for 6 weeks compared to if i was to use a 3 n 1/2...
  12. allybam

    Reptillians Rule the world

    Ive read up on the new world order quite a bit and they have some really good points but the devil coming to rule the world n bla bla bla i think not the only devils in this world are evil people and nothing more and wtf is the big deal if the world unites under 1 ruler and rounds up a few...
  13. allybam

    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    On the bit about to many bubbles m8y the more bubbles the better. I used a 6 way air pump on 1 plant and it loved it the plant turned into a monster 6 ounces dry from 1 plant which isnt bad for me n only had a 400w hps which i used the whole way through veg and flowering. And the plant was ice...
  14. allybam

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    y u give me bad rep and i see u never deleted other ppl who were posting about fems ur an ass hole and yea u are getting on like a child thats taking his ball home just like u did on the other thread aswell and i wont pm ya or give ya bad rep cause only a prick would do something like that so go...
  15. allybam

    so hear me out here

    ppl are ass holes because they can b even the nicest of ppl are ass holes at times it all depends on the mood ya catch ppl in if the havein a shit day and u say its a wonderful day the gona tell ya ta piss off and like wise
  16. allybam

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    y delete all post on it its a thread about produceing fem seeds? some ppl wanna no about making fem seeds so this thread being about how to get seeds is the perfect place on making fem seeds ya can delete them if ya want but its a bit childish of you. O yea i remember you saying the other day...
  17. allybam

    so hear me out here

    yea ur right the decline of the west started a long time ago its times like now when ya see the cunts running about ya get thinking maybe genocide against certian ppl isnt that wrong
  18. allybam

    so hear me out here

    m8y i was jokin ya about! i couldnt care less what weight ya are i just had to put a cocky coment in due to the type of thread this is i couldnt help it lol
  19. allybam

    so hear me out here

    are you trying to admit ur overweight? its ok its good to talk about ur probs m8y :) ya wanna hug big guy lol jk jk
  20. allybam

    so hear me out here

    its simple 2 types of ppl no1 when ppl feeling low they imagine some nerdy keyboard wanking geek sitting typeing into these and other forums so they give a bitta shit towards them and it makes them feel better same as if ya feeling down and ur walking through the town and ya see some homless...