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  1. calibob

    Harvest now? More Nutes? Help I'm screwed!

    Needs more time but looks great
  2. calibob

    NEED HELP!!!!!!!! Im a beginner

    You are going to need more light. On my first grow I used 8 4 ft flour's a gave the plants lots of love (not much else). Yield was about 20grams of good bud and about a Z of ok stuff. If you want bud you need light.
  3. calibob

    150 watt Hps from HTG Supply. Worth it?

    Go with the 400 instead of the 150, if you run the 150 for awhile you will wish you got the 400. The 150 HPS is not really good for young plants, they do much better under t5's at that wattage.
  4. calibob

    Stunt Flowring help!!! PICS

    Your plants looks healthy, skinny but healthy, you can let them go a bunch more weeks and still get a light yield or concentrate on those clones. But that's just me.
  5. calibob

    Are these what I think they are???

    Male, but you already knew that
  6. calibob

    Am i gonna be ok with these? 4 plants..PICS

    What strain is it? Some haze plants take 12 or so weeks of flowering to really swell. Haze plants will strech no matter how close the lights are. Node spacing is totally different from strain to strain.
  7. calibob

    problems w/ pics

    Don't look bad at all, good color, good shape, good growth. What is VF11?
  8. calibob

    Cloning time frame..

    Dip and Grow works for me and veg time depends on the strain.
  9. calibob

    CLONES,whats this

    Looks like phosphorous, mag or calcium def. Overall they look good and the bottom leaves feed the clones until the roots are established and show defs alot of the time.
  10. calibob

    Does this look female to you?

    Male for sure
  11. calibob

    Need soil suggestions!

    If you have a nursey near by try EB Stone Organics, it's way cheaper than FFOF but not as hot. It is organic and if you do try it, add more perlite than you think you should.
  12. calibob

    Help with first grow (pics)

    New growth looks good, clones can use up the nutes in the old growth before they start taking from roots. Throw some perlite in your soil when you transplant, looks a little heavy.
  13. calibob

    safe sites to order soil, mediums etc etc.

    HTGsupply is great and I don't really think anyone is tracking "dirt" sales, if they are they have way to much time in thier hands. Check your local nusery for fox farms nutes. By the way FF soil is pretty heavy when it comes to shipping.
  14. calibob

    New Grower, Need Help to Determine Sex

    Definitely a male
  15. calibob

    clones dying fast, plz help

    raise the light if you don't have smaller one. Mist them and if using rockwool next time lower the ph to 5.5. Give them a little time, and keep the dome on, who knows things might improve.
  16. calibob


    you might be able to duplicate the spectrum emitted by the sun but I don't see how you are going to duplicate the energy. Your wavelength still needs some juice to make a difference. Great thread, who says MJ kills your brain.