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  1. bxke1414

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Well it could've been more, but I am stoked, the DRY weight, minus the stems and popcorn, was 124g!
  2. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    Well it could've been more, but I am stoked, the DRY weight, minus the stems and popcorn, was 124g!
  3. bxke1414

    The Time Is Now! 150w HPS Harvest! 700g WET!

    Well it could've been more, but I am stoked, the DRY weight, minus the stems and popcorn, was 124g!
  4. bxke1414

    10 weeks in, you think they're ready ?

    Great work! Those ladies look awesome!
  5. bxke1414

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    I vegged for 4 weeks with CFL's, then flowered with the 150w HPS and some CFL's as side lighting for 10 weeks. I am going to do everything the same next time, maybe another 150w HPS but thats it.
  6. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    All I know is that I smoked one of the smaller immature buds, and it is still knocking me on my ass. Most of the high is in my chest, it feels tingly and my face feels heavy.
  7. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    Ok so one of the smaller buds was a little dry, so I smoked it, hands down some of the strongest weed I have ever smoked. I thought I was going to passout standing in line at Subway I was so high.
  8. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Dude 150's are the shit, I can't wait to order a 2nd one for my next grow. Dual 150's with this strain will be impressive.
  9. bxke1414

    The Time Is Now! 150w HPS Harvest! 700g WET!

    Not sure, the closet did get cold a few times, but out of the 4 plants only 1 change super purple.
  10. bxke1414

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Wet yield was 700g, will post dry yield in a few days.
  11. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    Haha haven't smoked any of the stuff that is drying. I want to be impressed when I smoke it, so I can wait a few more days till they are dry. Then I will test it out, post a dry weight, and put the buds into a cure.
  12. bxke1414

    Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?

    Good to hear things are going well, and good luck!
  13. bxke1414

    Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds

    Whaaaat happened?
  14. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    The Econolight is 100x better than CFL's for flowering, but I will use CFL's again for vegging, they worked great.
  15. bxke1414

    First Harvest Nirvana SW and PPP

    Beautiful work my friend!
  16. bxke1414

    150 watt HPS econolight

    Not sure if there is a difference, but I doubt it. They should both wire up the same.
  17. bxke1414

    How much veg to get 2 oz per plant?

    Vegged for 4 weeks here under a 150w HPS, my largest girl was over 2 zips, but there are a lot of factors that affect how big your plant gets, good luck.
  18. bxke1414

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    You are gonna be sooooo happy soon!
  19. bxke1414

    should i rip them

    You want to go at least 8-9 weeks flowering knowing no other info from you.