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  1. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I only had females, 4 outta 4, so ya all stinky,
  2. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Mine were stinky the entire time, btw, just harvested. :-)
  3. bxke1414

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Haha thanks! I am glad I documented everything as well, I couldn't believe I grew so much.
  4. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    For sure, 6 26w CFL's put out 1600 lumens a piece (or at least mine did), 26wx6=156w, 6x1600=9600 lumens. The econolight is 150w and puts out 15000 lumens.
  5. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    It was not hot at all, and the econolight takes 5 minutes to remote ballast. I kept the light about 6 inches from the plants, and if you cooltube you can put it even closer.
  6. bxke1414

    New Year's Harvest; revegged Northern Lights!

    Looks yummy, enjoy the smokeage!
  7. bxke1414

    Nirvana PPP and Snow White Grow (First try)

    Yay for winter harvests 2008!
  8. bxke1414

    Lowlife White Russian Auto Flowering

    Pics on the last page of my journal muffin, enjoy your smoke!
  9. bxke1414

    So finally harvested WHITE RUSSIAN. 700 grams

    Take a look in my journal if you want to see 700g wet.
  10. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    Thanks guys/girls! Ya the econolight definitely paid itself off.
  11. bxke1414

    harvest 1 plant 250w hps last night!!

    I would also separate those branches to prevent mold. Enjoy the smoke!
  12. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    All bagseed from some dank stuff, somehow I got 4 out of 4 females. They flowered for roughly 10 weeks.
  13. bxke1414

    Coming from CFL's to HPS

    I keep my 150w HPS about 6 inches from the plants, I made a reflector for about $10.
  14. bxke1414

    Lowlife White Russian Auto Flowering

    So tasty looking, I chopped yesterday. Good luck with your harvest!
  15. bxke1414

    a little upskirt shot week 7

    Yummy yummy.
  16. bxke1414

    Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?

    How is the lady hackel?
  17. bxke1414

    Organic Bud can Look Better then hydro!

    Haha no offense taken, I wasn't even going to do a wet weight, but I wanted an idea how much weight I am going to lose so I know next grow. I am just ecstatic I have some much weed to smoke.
  18. bxke1414

    Coming from CFL's to HPS

    I use 1 150w HPS with some CFL side lighting, just finished up my first grow, 700g wet weight, I will probably upgrade it to two lights this time, but for $20 a piece you can't beat it.
  19. bxke1414

    700g wet, 150w HPS Harvest!

    So I have a thread in the harvest section, but to all of you indoor growers out there, I grew 4 ladies under 1 150w HPS ($20 Econolight) with some side CFL's. This was my first grow and it was also all organic. I just harvested my 4 ladies to a combined WET weight of 700g. Here are some pics...
  20. bxke1414

    Organic Bud can Look Better then hydro!

    I never assumed my first grow would amount to anything, now I am overly excited to try this stuff out. I have never smoked homegrown organic stuff so I hope it tastes incredible.