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  1. bxke1414

    So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS

    Sounds awesome! Best of luck, although it seems like you have everything under control.
  2. bxke1414

    So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS

    It seems like it is taking forever to see more amber, any ideas? I have been feeding just water since the middle of week 7 thinking they would be done by week 9.
  3. bxke1414

    Lots of pics 8 weeds in flower!!!

    Great work, they should fatten up nice in the next few weeks.
  4. bxke1414


    It took about 3 days for my first 3 females to show, the youngest female took 8 days to show.
  5. bxke1414

    Male or Female ??????

    Too early to tell yet.
  6. bxke1414

    Expert answer needed

    If most of the hairs are still white, the plant is still growing and fattening up. I recommend getting at least a 30x scope or magnifying glass and check the trichcomes (crystals) and when you see amber they are done.
  7. bxke1414

    Master Kush scrog. 150w hps, 1 mini fridge, 1 seed. hydro - flowering PICS

    Incredible! I chop mine tomorrow, hopefully they turn out like yours! Congrats.
  8. bxke1414

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Almost 10 weeks flowering here, I think Wednesday will be the cut day, I see amber, but I am not sure where to look, I have been looking all over but it seems hard to pinpoint the amber or my scope skills suck. What yall think?
  9. bxke1414

    I need advice, or something. My spirit is broke.

    You really don't have to give them any nutes before flowering, but I would at least once to make sure they have ample NPK to enter flowering.
  10. bxke1414

    I need advice, or something. My spirit is broke.

    Try to find a local nursery to get some better nutrients, but if you have to add the shultz start with a 1/4 strength application. The plants looks great, the older leaves will die off as the plant matures, nothing to worry about.
  11. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Haha I wish I could be a mini FDD. Thank you all for the kind words!
  12. bxke1414

    Lowlife White Russian Auto Flowering

    I am just going to chop.
  13. bxke1414

    So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS

    It is bagseed from some local dank I bought, they were about 12 inches tall when I started flowering, 4 weeks veg.
  14. bxke1414

    So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS

    I used a 150w HPS and some 26w CFL side lighting. There are actually 4 ladies total, I just didn't take pics of the other 2.
  15. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    It is my wonderful bagseed strain lol.
  16. bxke1414

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Some tasty porn,
  17. bxke1414

    So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS

    Alrighty, these will the be the last pictures of the ladies till harvest day, they are sooooo close. I see probably 30% amber on the leaves close to the top buds, and 10% amber on the bud itself. I really want to couch lock effect so I am going to wait it out just a few more days. What do ya'll...
  18. bxke1414

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Alrighty, these will the be the last pictures of the ladies till harvest day, they are sooooo close, enjoy the porn.