Lowlife White Russian Auto Flowering


Well-Known Member
The hairs are starting to turn brown but in
no way are they ready.

The leaves surrounding the buds are still
nice and green but they are yellowing from
the bottom up a but too quickly for my liking.

Will take a few pics and post a little later.

Maybe placing them under light bulbs for the
first 3 weeks had come back to haunt me?!?

The buds look like they are 3 week off but
the leaves look as if they are at the end of their

Thanks for your help fife...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry . remember your dealing with an auto flower it's reaction time to everything is quick. Even if you use loose fan leaves let her rippen up she is still alive and doing fine. That yellowing is normal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kook...

Have given a little more feed today so will
see how they are a little later.

I don't want to over feed, so just giving little
by little.

Some good news, the buds appear to be
fattening up a bit


Well-Known Member
Here we go Kool...

My camera is playing up so excuse the poor quality pics mate.

Not much change to be honest, increased feed seems to have slowed the yellowing, they will be 9 weeks old on Christmas day.

I'm thinking they will need to go to 11 weeks to make up for my mistakes at the start. I will obviously monitor the trics with my scope, but they don't look quite ready as yet.

I think I will continue the feed for the next week or so & then flush with water for the last week.

Opinions welcome...



Well-Known Member
starting mine next week if I can get everything together. Don't know I am gonna do a journal but i will keep updated.


Well-Known Member
Cheers kool...

I am considerig dwc myself...

I have added a 250 watt cfl
to my set up to help the lower
buds. The top ones are always
nice and juicey but the lower ones
are always small in comparisum...



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...

Hoping they will be ready within a week... Checked the trics last night & they were a mixture of clear, cloudy & amber ones.

The buds don't look quite done as there are quite a few white hairs, but the trics never lie or do they?

Will flush for the next week & hopefully chop.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

A quick update...

Buds have fattened quite a bit over the last few days & the trics look just about right, maybe 1 more day.

I read somewhere that you should put autos in 48 hr's of darkness before you chop them?

Planning to chop on Wed which will be 1 day before they are 10 weeks old...



Well-Known Member
My only gripe is that even though the main cola & 95% of the top buds are big and juicy (Which I am
very happy with may I add :~) once again the lower buds are pretty small. I had this on my last grow so I brought
a 250w CFL to hang along side the lower branches but this does not seem to have improved matters?

Is this a common problem or am I doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
WOW !! dude they look great. just ordered some white dwarfs myself, If they look half as good as yours ill be impressed. seems like the last 20 days they exploded!


Well-Known Member
Muffin Things look great I would of recomended the 48 hour of darkness. I planted my seeds today. Gonna let the light on for almost 24 hours and then It will settle out tommrow. have them all set up well 2 of them waiting on one more to pop. Come check it out link is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
10 weeks old today & about to have 24-48 hrs of darkness before the chop.

They smell like juicy fruit chewing gum, if anyone remembers them...

Apols once again for the quality of the snaps, my camera is kaput :~(

