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    Bowl vs Doob

    if it's an aluminium pipe, you're actually killing yourself. a clean metal, that doesn't burn, like titanium, would be as healthy as a glass pipe.
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    lift your shirt & show 'em

    pics of the tattoo?
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    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    prize to the person who writes their name...
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    cfl lighting distance

    i thought of a google search, but as brokenhope says, i'd rather hear it from people who i seem to be pretty knowledgeable, rather than sifting through 10 shitty websites made up by 14 year olds.
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    More Info On Molasses

    how much molasses would go into a liter of water?
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    cfl lighting distance

    ok. thanks a lot. i was having some streach issues for sure.
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    tin foil

    should i at least switch it with uncrinkled foil then?
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    cfl lighting distance

    how far from plant during veg/flowering
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    Most paranoid experience weed

    i hear people walking around my house when im watching tv, late at night. scary stuff
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    Volcano Vaporizer

    can you even sell it on ebay though?
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    tin foil

    will this be a serious problem? i haven't had any trouble yet. i have light, to moderate, crinkled tinfoil.
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    Getting High On Other Things!!!

    you need to eat 400-600 seeds though...
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    tin foil

    oh... ok. darn.
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    tin foil

    do you crinkle your tinfoil, to give it different reflecting surface, or leave it as flat as possible?
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    watering/hormone question

    would putting a bit of rooting hormones(that you'd use to clone) in the water you water, your plant with, make the roots that are already there, stronger? or would it do nothing?
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    i cant find it

    is there any way to tell strain, at any point, if you dont know when you buy them?
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    i'm going to start flowering next week and i want to get a cutting for a clone before i start. this is my first grow and im kind of nervous about the whole idea. i have the rooting hormines and shit, and i've watched videos and read stuff about the cut and stuff. should i not bother messing...
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    any way to determine strain?

    while it's still vegging. i'm just curious as to what i've got.
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    what about like... natural pont water? being as close to nature as possible, and stuff